Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.(“我們”、“我們”或“我們的”)提供的 Yamaha 摩托車連接應用程式(“Y-Connect 應用程式”)旨在為Yamaha摩托車的車主提供享受騎摩托車旅行的新方式,使用藍牙功能連接到您的Yamaha摩托車。
本 Yamaha Motorcycle Connect 應用程式隱私聲明(“應用程式通知”)適用於您在使用 Y-Connect 應用程式期間收集和處理的數據。當地法律要求的披露在特定國家/地區的章節中列出。
要使用 Y-Connect 應用程式,您需要註冊一個 Yamaha Motor ID。這是在單獨的隱私聲明(Yamaha Motor ID 隱私聲明)下管理的,可以在應用程式聲明下方找到。如果應用程式聲明與 Yamaha Motor ID 隱私通知之間存在衝突,則應優先考慮應用程式聲明。
本應用程式聲明遵循您的智慧型手機上的語言。 本應用程式聲明的官方語言為英語。
使用 Y-Connect 應用程式需要註冊的資料(例如 Yamaha Motor ID 登錄名和密碼詳細資訊)
您為查詢 Y-Connect 應用程式而提供的數據(例如姓名、 聯繫方式和 查詢詳細資訊)
通過 Y-Connect 應用程式檢索的數據可能會與您向 Yamaha Group 提供的個人資訊、通過第三方提供的資訊(例如使用社交登錄時的社交媒體供應商)和/或通過我們集團的產品和服務提供的資訊相結合,並在“3.使用目的 “的範圍內使用。
要使用 Y-Connect 應用程式,您將被要求確認並同意 Y-Connect 應用程式使用條款和條件以及本應用程式通知。對透過 Y-Connect 應用程式獲得的您的資料進行的任何處理 均應基於此同意進行。
確保 Y-Connect 應用程式在您的智慧設備上順利運行
回應您的 詢問、請求和投訴
執行和提供 Y-Connect 應用程式(包括補充和相關服務)
通過電子郵件、簡訊、Y-Connect 應用程式和/或您提供的其他聯繫方式,提供有關與 Yamaha Motor Group 相關的新的和更新的產品和服務的資訊,包括行銷和廣告
通過 Y-Connect 應用程式檢索的數據可能會與您直接提供給 Yamaha Group 的資訊、第三方提供的資訊(例如使用社交登錄時的社交媒體供應商)和/或您通過我們集團的產品和服務提供的資訊相結合。這些將用於實現上述使用目的。
某些函數使用位置資訊。如果您使用這些功能,您的位置資訊可能會通過 Y-Connect 應用程式共用給地圖和/或 天氣應用程式服務提供者。我們使用的服務包括Google提供的Google Maps。
When you navigate with Google Maps using Y-Connect app, Google collects navigation data, such as GPS location and the route you took, to improve Google Maps for everyone. This data may be used to make information, including real-time traffic conditions and disruptions, visible to others and help them find the best route. These updates to the map won't be associated with your Google Account or device. Google's Terms and Privacy Policy apply.
Y-Connect app may also collect and use this data. Please refer to Y-Connect app Terms and Privacy Policy for more information.
您可以使用您的 Google 和/ 或 Apple 詳細資訊登入 Y-Connect 應用程式。您將被要求允許我們使用您的Google和/或Apple帳戶資訊,包括姓名和電子郵件位址。您可以隨時從我們的服務中刪除您的帳戶,並從您的社交媒體帳戶設置中撤銷對共用的批准。
如果您使用社交媒體帳戶登錄 Y-Connect 應用程式,社交媒體供應商可能會處理與您相關的數據,例如您對 Y-Connect 應用程式的使用。對於處理您的數據,我們概不負責。有關每個社交媒體供應商處理的與您相關的數據的詳細資訊,請參閱每個社交媒體供應商的隱私政策。
您可以通過 Y-Connect 應用程式更正部分數據。如果您對數據處理有任何其他要求,請通過 Y-Connect 應用程式中的聯繫表與我們聯繫。
請注意,我們需要持有您的部分/全部數據,以履行 適用法律和法規規定的義務。此外,我們可能需要您的部分/全部數據來提供您已註冊的相關服務,並且可能無法回應您的請求。
由於 Y-Connect 應用程式規格的更改和/或適用法律和法規的修訂要求,我們可能會修改、修訂、添加或刪除本應用程式通知的內容。當本應用程式聲明的變更對您的權利和自由造成重大影響時,將通過 Y-Connect 應用程式通知您。
Y-Connect 應用程式/數據控制器的供應商:
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
LM Connectivity Group, Land Mobility Total Strategy Section,
Land Mobility Business Operations
2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 438-8501, 日本
如果您對 Y-Connect 應用程式的使用和/或數據的處理有任何疑問,請通過 Y-Connect 應用程式中的聯繫表格或 上述 詳細資訊與我們聯繫。
In this Application Policy, the definition for “personal information” includes “personal location information”. Clauses for personal information may also apply to the processing of personal location information.
We may share your data (including personal location information) with our subsidiaries, affiliates and counterparties (such as distributors and dealers) in your country and contractors within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
We use your personal data for the following purposes.
When sharing personal location information with a third party designated by the customer, we will immediately notify to your device, which is used to collect personal location information, regarding the information receiver, sharing date and time, and reason of sharing. If any of the following items apply, notification will be sent to the device or email address specified in advance by customer.
We will provide your personal location information with a third party as follow:
To the extent permitted under applicable law, you may exercise your rights to make requests to us for the perusal, correction, deletion, and suspension of the processing of your personal information in writing to the email address listed below in the “Contact Information” section and we will promptly respond to any such requests from you. Where we are using your information on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. You may also exercise the foregoing rights to your personal information through a duly appointed legal representative.
We will retain your data (including personal location information) for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.
We will destroy your personal information without delay once it is no longer necessary, either because the relevant retention period has expired or the purpose(s) for which it was collected has been achieved. If saved in electronic form, the personal information will be destroyed by technical methods which ensure that the data cannot be restored or recovered thereafter.
The Provider of Y-Connect Application/Data Controller:
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-Shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 438-8501, Japan
If you have any queries about use of Y-Connect Application and/or the processing of your data (including personal location information), please contact us from the contact form in Y-Connect Application or to the contact information.
We will automatically record and retain records regarding the process, sharing or fact confirmation of personal location information in order to handle complaints in accordance with the Location Information Protection Act, and such records shall be stored for six (6) months or more.
This Application Policy does not stipulate matters and exercising method of rights/obligations of legal representatives stipulated in Article 26, Paragraph 1 of the Location Information Protection Act since we do not process/share personal location information of child of eight years old or younger.
Administrator of personal location information management is LM Connectivity Group.
The information collected will be stored in the storage in charge of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., located in Japan. And it is shared with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”for an indefinite period of time or until your consent is revoked.
As part of the activities carried out by us and our group companies, you are informed that personal data will be processed for the following purposes:
It is stated that the authorization to the general conditions of this Application Notice is a necessary element for the use of Y-Connect Application and fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. Additionally, if you expressly authorize it, your information may be used for the fulfillment of the following additional purposes:
We will share the personal data with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”.
If you wish to exercise rights provided in the personal data protection laws and regulations in Peru, please contact us to the address below.
Head of Processes and IT Data Protection
Av. Republica de Panama 4344 - Surquillo, Lima
We use your personal data for the following purposes.
To perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)
Categories of personal dataWe obtain and process the following categories of your personal data for the following purposes because it is necessary to do so in order to pursue our legitimate interests (for details regarding the balancing test for legitimate interests, please inquire using the contact address at “vi. Contacting us”).
For internal evaluation of Y-Connect Application
To gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.
Categories of personal dataTo respond to inquiries, requests and complaints
Categories of personal dataFulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
For protection and safety of property and rights
To protect network and information asset
To comply with non-EU or non-Member State laws and regulations
Categories of personal dataTo perform and provide Y-Connect Application that use location information (including supplemental and related services)
Categories of personal dataTo gather and analyze location information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.
For internal evaluation of Y-Connect Application by using location information
Categories of personal dataFor direct marketing analysis and offers
To provide information on products and services related to our group
To operate, manage and provide various information for events and campaigns
Categories of personal dataIf our processing of your personal data is conducted based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of personal data processing that we have conducted based on consent given before that withdrawal. You may withdraw your consent through services and the like you use or by contacting us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.
To comply with EU or Member State laws and regulations
Categories of personal dataPersonal data obtained by us includes information directly provided by you to us, information provided through a third party, such as counterparties, contractors, business partners, and social media providers (including Google and/or Apple), and information provided through products and services provided by our group.
Your personal data obtained by us may be transferred, stored and processed outside the EEA. In each case, your personal data must be protected safely at a level of security equivalent to that used for its protection within the EEA. We take all measures (including execution of the standard contractual clauses (Article 46, paragraph 2, item (c) and paragraph 5 of the GDPR) as approved by the European Commission) reasonably necessary to ensure your data is safely stored and processed in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Application Notice and the GDPR and other applicable laws and regulations. Please contact us at any time if you would like to know more about details regarding the safeguards we have in place for transfers of personal data outside the EEA.
If you do not wish to receive information that we provide to you in relation to our products, services, and the like (direct marketing), we refrain from conducting direct marketing addressed to you. If you do not wish to receive direct marketing, please contact us through the services, etc. you use or by contact us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.
We do not conduct decision-making that is based on automated processing (including profiling) which produces a legal or similar material effect on you.
You have the rights set out below in relation to your personal data used for Y-Connect Application.
If we receive any request from you in relation to the following, we will faithfully and appropriately deal with that request in accordance with the laws and regulations.
You can correct a part of your data on Y-Connect Application. If you have any other requests regarding the processing of your data, please contact us through contact form in Y-Connect Application.
If you have any demands, inquiries or requests regarding the processing of personal data, please contact the following address in writing. You can also contact our group’s data protection officer.
For customers who reside in the EEA
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 438-8501, Japan
Data Protection Officer Email:
The purposes of use are as stated above at Section 3 of the Application Notice. The chart below is a breakdown of the purposes of use as applicable to each data category identified under U.S. laws.
Name; Phone number; Email address; Gender; Data of Birth; and Country of Residence.
(Other contact information if necessary)
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUsers
By directly enter information on Y-Connect Application.
By providing contact information when users make inquiry.
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
Customer Records Information:
Information provided upon inquiry:
Contact Information; and
Content of Inquiry.
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUsers
By providing contact information when users make an inquiry
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
Internet or other electronic network activity information:
Usage History of Y-Connect Application; Operation Log; and Cookie.
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUser’s mobile device
Information obtained from users’ device through Y-Connect Application
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
Geolocation data:
Location data.
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUser’s mobile device
Information obtained from users’ device through Y-Connect Application
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
Sensitive Personal Information:
Precise Geolocation
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUser’s mobile device
Information obtained from users’ device through Y-Connect Application
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
We recognize your rights to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict the processing of, and deletion of your data as explained above. In addition to those rights, we also recognize your rights to be not discriminated by exercising your rights.
For California Users, we recognize your right to Opt-out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information. Yamaha does not share Personal Information under the definition of the CCPA/CPRA. Yamaha sells (discloses) your Personal Information and other data with our subsidiaries, affiliates, and counterparties (such as distributors and dealers) in your country or region and service providers (contractors) within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use. To exercise your right to Opt Out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information, submit form from link below.
>> Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information/Do Not Disclose my Sensitive Personal Information
If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under the U.S. law, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Yamaha Motor Corporation USA
6555 Katella Ave
Cypress, CA 90630
Call us at 1-800-962-7926
Submit this form: https://yamaha-motor.com/data-privacy-request-form
最後更新時間: 2024年12月5日
版本 4.0.1
本 Yamaha Motor ID 隱私聲明(“隱私聲明”)適用於已註冊由 Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. 及其子公司和關聯公司(以下簡稱“我們”或“我們的”)管理的 Yamaha Motor ID 的使用者(“您”或“您的”)。
您為查詢 Yamaha Motor ID 而提供的數據(例如姓名、 聯繫方式和查詢詳細資訊)
與您的 Yamaha Motor ID 關聯的服務(包括 Yamaha 提供的連接應用程式)的使用歷史記錄(例如操作日誌)
與您的 Yamaha Motor ID 相關的檢索數據可能會與您直接提供給 Yamaha Group 的個人資訊、通過第三方提供的資訊(例如使用社交登錄時的社交媒體供應商)以及通過我們集團的產品和服務提供的資訊相結合,在“3.使用目的 “的範圍內使用。
要註冊 Yamaha Motor ID,您將被要求確認並同意本隱私聲明。Yamaha提供的某些服務需要在使用前註冊Yamaha Motor ID。在這種情況下,您將被要求確認並同意適用的服務條款和條件以及本隱私聲明。
對通過您的 Yamaha Motor ID 獲得的數據進行的任何處理均應基於此同意進行。
我們將處理您的數據以提供需要 Yamaha Motor ID 的相關服務。除此之外,我們可能會出於下列目的處理您的數據。
從您的 Yamaha Motor ID 收集的數據可能會與您直接提供給 Yamaha Group 的資訊、第三方提供的資訊(例如使用社交登錄時的社交媒體供應商)和/或您通過我們集團的產品和服務提供的資訊相結合。這些將用於實現上述使用目的。
您可以使用您的 Google 和/或 Apple 帳戶註冊 Yamaha Motor ID。您將被要求允許我們使用您的 Google 和/或 Apple 帳戶詳細資訊,包括姓名和電子郵件位址。您可以隨時從我們的服務中刪除您的帳戶,並從您的社交媒體帳戶設置中撤銷對共用的批准。
我們承認您對自己的數據享有權利,包括瞭解、訪問、更正、傳輸、限制處理和刪除您的數據的權利。我們將按照適用法律法規的規定,忠實、妥善地處理您行使權利的行為。要行使您的權利, 請聯繫我們 (請參閱“11.聯繫資訊“)。
我們可能會修訂、修訂、添加或刪除本隱私聲明的內容。這可能是由於 Yamaha Motor ID 規格的變化,或者由於適用法律和法規的要求發生了變化。
當本隱私聲明的更改對您的權利和自由造成重大影響時,我們將通知您。通知將通過您使用 Yamaha Motor ID 註冊的相關服務提供。
(Yamaha Motor ID/數據控制器的供應商)
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 438-8501, 日本
The information collected will be stored in the storage in charge of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., located in Japan. And it is shared with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”for an indefinite period of time or until your consent is revoked.
As part of the activities carried out by us and our group companies, you are informed that personal data will be processed for the following purposes:
It is stated that the authorization to the general conditions of this Privacy Notice is a necessary element for the use of services requiring Yamaha Motor ID and fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. Additionally, if you expressly authorize it, your information may be used for the fulfillment of the following additional purposes:
We will share the personal data with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”.
If you wish to exercise rights provided in the personal data protection laws and regulations in Peru, please contact us to the address below.
Head of Processes and IT Data Protection
Av. Republica de Panama 4344 - Surquillo, Lima
We use your personal data for the following purposes.
To provide related services requiring Yamaha Motor ID
Categories of personal dataWe obtain and process the following categories of your personal data for the following purposes because it is necessary to do so in order to pursue our legitimate interests (for details regarding the balancing test for legitimate interests, please inquire using the contact address at “vi. Contacting us”).
For internal evaluation of related services requiring Yamaha Motor ID
To gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.
Categories of personal dataTo respond to inquiries, requests and complaints
Categories of personal dataFulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
For protection and safety of property and rights
To protect network and information asset
To comply with non-EU or non-Member State laws and regulations
Categories of personal dataTo provide related services requiring Yamaha Motor ID which use location information (including supplemental and related services)
Categories of personal dataTo gather and analyze location information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.
For internal evaluation of related services requiring Yamaha Motor by using location information
Categories of personal dataFor direct marketing analysis and offers
To provide information on products and services related to our group
To operate, manage and provide various information for events and campaigns
Categories of personal dataIf our processing of your personal data is conducted based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of personal data processing that we have conducted based on consent given before that withdrawal. You may withdraw your consent through services and the like you use or by contacting us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.
To comply with EU or Member State laws and regulations
Categories of personal dataPersonal data obtained by us includes information directly provided by you to us, information provided through a third party, such as counterparties, contractors, business partners, and social media providers (including Google and/or Apple), and information provided through products and services provided by our group.
Your personal data obtained by us may be transferred, stored and processed outside the EEA. In each case, your personal data must be protected safely at a level of security equivalent to that used for its protection within the EEA. We take all measures (including execution of the standard contractual clauses (Article 46, paragraph 2, item (c) and paragraph 5 of the GDPR) as approved by the European Commission) reasonably necessary to ensure your data is safely stored and processed in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Privacy Policy and the GDPR and other applicable laws and regulations. Please contact us at any time if you would like to know more about details regarding the safeguards we have in place for transfers of personal data outside the EEA.
If you do not wish to receive information that we provide to you in relation to our products, services, and the like (direct marketing), we refrain from conducting direct marketing addressed to you. If you do not wish to receive direct marketing, please contact us through the services, etc. you use or by contact us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.
We do not conduct decision-making that is based on automated processing (including profiling) which produces a legal or similar material effect on you.
You have the rights set out below in relation to your personal data used for Yamaha Motor ID.
If we receive any request from you in relation to the following, we will faithfully and appropriately deal with that request in accordance with the laws and regulations.
You can correct a part of your data on Yamaha Motor ID portal. If you have any other requests regarding the processing of your data, please contact us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.
If you require the services of our Data Protection Officer, please contact us below.
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 438-8501, Japan
The purposes of use are as stated above at Section 3 of the Privacy Notice. The chart below is a breakdown of the purposes of use as applicable to each data category identified under U.S. laws.
Name; Phone number; Email address; Gender; Data of Birth; and Country of Residence.
(Other contact information if necessary)
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUsers
By directly entering information onto profile page.
By providing contact information when users make inquiry.
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
Customer Records Information:
Information provided upon inquiry:
Contact Information; and
Content of Inquiry.
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUsers
By providing contact information when users make an inquiry
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
Internet or other electronic network activity information:
Usage History; Operation Log; and Cookies.
Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal InformationUser’s mobile device
Information obtained from users’ device
Purpose of UsesOur subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
We recognize your rights to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict the processing of, and deletion of your data as explained above. In addition to those rights, we also recognize your rights to be not discriminated by exercising your rights.
For California Users, we recognize your right to Opt-out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information. Yamaha does not share Personal Information under the definition of the CCPA/CPRA. Yamaha sells (discloses) your Personal Information and other data with our subsidiaries, affiliates, and counterparties (such as distributors and dealers) in your country or region and service providers (contractors) within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use. To exercise your right to Opt Out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information, please submit form from link below.
>> Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information/Do Not Disclose my Sensitive Personal Information
If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under the U.S. law, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Yamaha Motor Corporation USA
6555 Katella Ave Cypress, CA 90630
Call us at 1-800-962-7926
Submit this form: https://yamaha-motor.com/data-privacy-request-form
最後更新時間: 2024年8月1日