Aviso de privacidade do aplicativo Yamaha Motorcycle Connect

O Aplicativo Yamaha Motorcycle Connect ("Aplicativo Y-Connect") fornecido pela Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. ("nós", "nos" ou "nosso") busca oferecer aos proprietários de motocicletas Yamaha novas maneiras de desfrutar de viagens em sua motocicleta, conectando-se à sua motocicleta Yamaha usando funções Bluetooth.

Este Aviso de Privacidade do Aplicativo Yamaha Motorcycle Connect ("Aviso do Aplicativo") aplica-se aos dados coletados e processados durante o uso do Aplicativo Y-Connect. As divulgações exigidas pelas leis locais estão definidas nas seções específicas de cada país.

Para usar o aplicativo Y-Connect, você precisará registrar um Yamaha Motor ID. Isso é gerenciado em um aviso de privacidade separado (Aviso de Privacidade do Yamaha Motor ID) e pode ser encontrado abaixo do Aviso do Aplicativo. Se houver um conflito entre o Aviso de Aplicativo e o Aviso de Privacidade do Yamaha Motor ID, o Aviso de Aplicativo terá prioridade.

Este Aviso de Aplicação segue o idioma do seu smartphone. O idioma oficial deste Aviso de Aplicação é o inglês.

1. Informações que coletamos sobre você

Processamos os seguintes dados sobre você ("seus dados"). Isso pode incluir seus dados pessoais.

  1. Dados inseridos diretamente no aplicativo Y-Connect

    Dados necessários para se registrar para usar o Aplicativo Y-Connect (como detalhes de login e senha do Yamaha Motor ID)

    ados fornecidos por você para consultas sobre o Aplicativo Y-Connect (como nome, detalhes de contato e detalhes da consulta)

    Informações opcionais (como foto do perfil, fotos, sexo, detalhes de contato de emergência, informações de manutenção do veículo e informações da concessionária)

  2. Dados obtidos de seu dispositivo inteligente por meio do aplicativo Y-Connect

    Informações sobre a localização

    Dados adquiridos de vários sensores, como informações sobre a aceleração do veículo

    Histórico de uso do aplicativo Y-Connect, registro de operações

    Dados do dispositivo inteligente quando você envia uma consulta (como nome do modelo, versão do sistema operacional, código do país e código da operadora)

  3. Dados sobre sua motocicleta conectada ao aplicativo Y-Connect. Isso inclui:

    Número de identificação do veículo, status do veículo e dados de desempenho do motor, injeção de combustível e dados relacionados a emissões, informações sobre a bateria.

  4. Dados obtidos por meio de seu revendedor com relação à manutenção do veículo. Isso inclui:

    Concessionária(s) que você visitou para realizar trocas de óleo do motor. (A disponibilidade desse recurso depende da região).

Os dados recuperados por meio do Aplicativo Y-Connect podem ser combinados com informações pessoais fornecidas pelo usuário ao Yamaha Group, informações fornecidas por terceiros (como provedores de mídia social ao usar o login social) e/ou informações fornecidas por meio dos produtos e serviços do nosso Grupo, e usados dentro do escopo de "3. Finalidade de uso"

2. Base legal para o processamento

Para usar o Aplicativo Y-Connect, você será solicitado a confirmar e consentir com os Termos e Condições de Uso do Aplicativo Y-Connect e com este Aviso de Aplicativo. Qualquer processamento de seus dados obtidos por meio do Aplicativo Y-Connect será realizado com base nesse consentimento.

3. Finalidade do uso

Processamos seus dados para as seguintes finalidades:

  1. Para nos comunicarmos com você

    Verifique se o aplicativo Y-Connect está funcionando sem problemas em seu dispositivo inteligente

    Responder às suas consultas, solicitações e reclamações

    Oferecer informações sobre concursos, eventos e promoções e administrar essas atividades

    Compartilhar informações administrativas, como alterações em nossos termos, condições e políticas

    Informe o(s) contato(s) de emergência registrado(s) em caso de acidente envolvendo seu veículo

    Responder às suas solicitações de direitos de dados (consulte "10. Seus direitos")

  2. Para conduzir pesquisas e desenvolvimento de produtos e recursos e para melhorar os serviços

    Realizar pesquisas, desenvolver e promover novos produtos e serviços

    Aprimorar e/ou modificar os serviços e recursos existentes

    Para melhorar a qualidade e a segurança de produtos e serviços

    Desenvolver novos recursos em resposta às necessidades dos clientes

  3. Para garantir nosso objetivo comercial

    Executar e fornecer o Aplicativo Y-Connect (incluindo serviços suplementares e relacionados)

    Conduzir análises de dados, auditorias, monitoramento e prevenção de fraudes, planejamento de negócios, determinação da eficácia de campanhas, relatórios e previsões

    Coletar e analisar informações, como pesquisas de mercado, para fins de aprimoramento da qualidade e desenvolvimento de produtos

    Fornecer informações sobre produtos e serviços novos e atualizados relacionados à Yamaha Motor Group para fins de, incluindo marketing e publicidade por e-mail, SMS, aplicativo Y-Connect e/ou outros detalhes de contato fornecidos pelo usuário

  4. Outros

    Cumprir obrigações contratuais com terceiros, agentes, subsidiárias e afiliadas

    Para garantir a proteção e a segurança da propriedade e dos direitos

    Proteger a rede e os ativos de informações

    Cumprir as leis, os regulamentos e outras regras

Os dados recuperados por meio do aplicativo Y-Connect podem ser combinados com informações fornecidas diretamente por você ao Yamaha Group, informações fornecidas por terceiros (como provedores de mídia social ao usar o login social) e/ou informações fornecidas por você por meio dos produtos e serviços do nosso Grupo. Elas serão usadas para atingir a(s) finalidade(s) de uso declarada(s) acima.

4. Período de retenção

Armazenaremos seus dados pessoais pelo período necessário para cumprir a(s) finalidade(s) de uso declarada(s) ("3. Finalidade de Uso") e/ou conforme exigido por lei.

5. Compartilhando seus dados

5-1. Geral

Poderemos compartilhar seus dados com nossas subsidiárias, afiliadas e contrapartes (como distribuidores e revendedores) em seu país ou região e contratados dentro do escopo necessário para atingir a finalidade de uso ("3. Finalidade de Uso"). Independentemente da finalidade de uso, seus dados serão convertidos em um formato em que o indivíduo não possa ser identificado e, em seguida, compartilhados com os terceiros mencionados acima, como dados estatísticos ou agregados.

Algumas funções utilizam informações de localização. Se você usar essas funções, suas informações de localização poderão ser compartilhadas com o provedor de serviços de mapas e/ou aplicativos meteorológicos por meio do Aplicativo Y-Connect. Os serviços que usamos incluem o Google Maps fornecido pelo Google.

5-2. Google's Terms and Privacy Policy

When you navigate with Google Maps using Y-Connect app, Google collects navigation data, such as GPS location and the route you took, to improve Google Maps for everyone. This data may be used to make information, including real-time traffic conditions and disruptions, visible to others and help them find the best route. These updates to the map won't be associated with your Google Account or device. Google's Terms and Privacy Policy apply.

Y-Connect app may also collect and use this data. Please refer to Y-Connect app Terms and Privacy Policy for more information.

6. Transferência de informações pessoais para o exterior

Como estamos envolvidos em atividades comerciais em escala global, podemos transferir seus dados para um país ou região que não tenha leis ou regulamentos de proteção de dados pessoais equivalentes aos do país ou região em que você reside ou está localizado. Ao transferir seus dados para o exterior, tomaremos as medidas apropriadas de acordo com as disposições estabelecidas nas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis.

7. Recurso de login em mídias sociais

Você pode fazer login no aplicativo Y-Connect usando seus dados do Google e/ou da Apple. Você será solicitado a nos dar permissão para usar as informações de sua conta do Google e/ou da Apple, incluindo nome e endereço de e-mail. Você pode, a qualquer momento, remover sua conta dos nossos serviços e retirar a aprovação para compartilhamento das configurações da sua conta de mídia social.

Se você usar uma conta de mídia social para fazer login no Aplicativo Y-Connect, o provedor de mídia social poderá processar dados relacionados a você, como o seu uso do Aplicativo Y-Connect. Não seremos responsáveis por esse processamento de seus dados. Para obter detalhes sobre os dados relacionados a você que são processados por cada provedor de mídia social, consulte a política de privacidade de cada provedor de mídia social.

8. Processamento de informações pessoais de crianças

Quando obtivermos os dados pessoais de uma criança, obteremos o consentimento de agentes estatutários, como uma pessoa com autoridade parental sobre essa criança, e tomaremos outras medidas necessárias de acordo com as leis, portarias e afins aplicáveis.

9. Segurança

Reconhecemos a importância de proteger os dados pessoais. Estabelecemos uma estrutura de gerenciamento para impedir o acesso não autorizado, a perda, a destruição, a falsificação e o vazamento de seus dados. Tomamos medidas de segurança organizacionais, físicas e técnicas apropriadas, inclusive:

  • Estabeleceu uma política interna e uma estrutura de gerenciamento e conduziu um monitoramento regular
  • Implementar as medidas de segurança necessárias para os dispositivos e limitar o acesso aos seus dados somente ao pessoal autorizado
  • Restringir o acesso, implementar medidas antimalware, criptografar ao transferir ou receber dados
  • Incluir a não divulgação nas normas internas e realizar treinamentos regulares para diretores e funcionários
  • Implementar medidas de segurança adequadas com base nas leis e regulamentações dos países/regiões relevantes
  • Investigar e implementar medidas para evitar danos secundários e recorrência no caso de incidentes com dados

Se ocorrer um acidente, como o vazamento de seus dados pessoais, responderemos adequadamente a ele, investigando todos os fatos e a causa e tomando medidas para evitar danos secundários e reincidência, conforme apropriado.

10. Seus direitos

Reconhecemos que você tem direitos sobre seus dados, incluindo os direitos de conhecer, acessar, corrigir, transferir, restringir o processamento e excluir seus dados. Lidaremos de forma fiel e apropriada com o exercício de seus direitos de acordo com as disposições estabelecidas nas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis.

Você pode corrigir uma parte de seus dados por meio do aplicativo Y-Connect. Se tiver outras solicitações relacionadas ao processamento de seus dados, entre em contato conosco por meio do formulário de contato no Aplicativo Y-Connect.

Observe que somos obrigados a manter alguns/todos os seus dados para cumprir as obrigações previstas nas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis. Além disso, podemos precisar de alguns/todos os seus dados para fornecer serviços relacionados aos quais você se registrou e talvez não possamos responder à sua solicitação.

Se não estiver satisfeito com nossa resposta, você tem o direito de registrar uma reclamação junto à autoridade responsável pela proteção de dados em seu país ou região, de acordo com as leis e os regulamentos aplicáveis.

11. Alteração deste Aviso de Aplicação

Poderemos alterar, revisar, adicionar ou excluir o conteúdo deste Aviso sobre Aplicativos devido a alterações nas especificações do Aplicativo Y-Connect e/ou exigidas por alterações nas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis. As alterações a este Aviso de Aplicação serão notificadas a você por meio do Aplicativo Y-Connect quando causarem um impacto significativo em seus direitos e liberdades.

12. Informações de contato

O provedor do aplicativo Y-Connect, controlador de dados:

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

LM Connectivity Group, Land Mobility Total Strategy Section,
Land Mobility Business Operations
2500 Shingai, Iwata-Shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 438-8501, Japão

Se tiver alguma dúvida sobre o uso do Aplicativo Y-Connect e/ou sobre o processamento de seus dados, entre em contato conosco pelo formulário de contato no Aplicativo Y-Connect ou pelos detalhes acima.

13. Notificação adicional para os usuários nas seguintes áreas/países

As seções a seguir fornecem informações adicionais aos usuários, conforme exigido pelas leis de dados locais aplicáveis.

13-1. South Korea

In this Application Policy, the definition for “personal information” includes “personal location information”. Clauses for personal information may also apply to the processing of personal location information.

i. Sharing Your Data

We may share your data (including personal location information) with our subsidiaries, affiliates and counterparties (such as distributors and dealers) in your country and contractors within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

[Provision of Personal data to Third Parties]
Third Party Recipients
Items of Personal data Provided
The items set out in section 1
Purposes of use
The purposes set out in section 2
[Outsourcing of the Processing/Storage of Personal data to Third Parties located outside Korea]

We use your personal data for the following purposes.

Third party recipient
Amazon Web Service
Purposes of use of third party recipients
Data Hosting and computing
Items of personal data to be transferred
The items set out in section 1
Countries where the personal data is to be transferred and the date, time, methods of transfer
Timing and method of transfer of Personal Data
Y-Connect Application will send your personal data using communication network such as mobile network or Wi-fi when you use Y-Connect Application.
Periods of retention of the third party recipient
Until the end of the service

When sharing personal location information with a third party designated by the customer, we will immediately notify to your device, which is used to collect personal location information, regarding the information receiver, sharing date and time, and reason of sharing. If any of the following items apply, notification will be sent to the device or email address specified in advance by customer.

  • If the device collecting the personal location information does not have function to receive text message, voice message, or video
  • If the customer requested in advance to receive notification by means of online posting, etc.

We will provide your personal location information with a third party as follow:

  • Information receiver: [email address specified by the customer as a contact address for malfunction information]
  • Purpose of sharing: [to notify malfunction information]

ii. Your Rights

To the extent permitted under applicable law, you may exercise your rights to make requests to us for the perusal, correction, deletion, and suspension of the processing of your personal information in writing to the email address listed below in the “Contact Information” section and we will promptly respond to any such requests from you. Where we are using your information on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. You may also exercise the foregoing rights to your personal information through a duly appointed legal representative.

iii. Retention and Destruction of Your Data

We will retain your data (including personal location information) for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

We will destroy your personal information without delay once it is no longer necessary, either because the relevant retention period has expired or the purpose(s) for which it was collected has been achieved. If saved in electronic form, the personal information will be destroyed by technical methods which ensure that the data cannot be restored or recovered thereafter.

iv. The Provider of Y-Connect Application and Contact information

The Provider of Y-Connect Application/Data Controller:

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd
2500 Shingai, Iwata-Shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 438-8501, Japan

If you have any queries about use of Y-Connect Application and/or the processing of your data (including personal location information), please contact us from the contact form in Y-Connect Application or to the contact information.

v. Records and Retention Period for Fact Confirmation when Processing/Sharing Personal Location Information.

We will automatically record and retain records regarding the process, sharing or fact confirmation of personal location information in order to handle complaints in accordance with the Location Information Protection Act, and such records shall be stored for six (6) months or more.

vi. Matters and Exercising Method of Rights/Obligations of Legal Representatives stipulated in Article 26, Paragraph 1 of the Location Information Protection Act

This Application Policy does not stipulate matters and exercising method of rights/obligations of legal representatives stipulated in Article 26, Paragraph 1 of the Location Information Protection Act since we do not process/share personal location information of child of eight years old or younger.

vii. Administrator for Personal Location Information Management

Administrator of personal location information management is LM Connectivity Group.


13-2. Peru

i. Information we collect about you

The information collected will be stored in the storage in charge of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., located in Japan. And it is shared with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”for an indefinite period of time or until your consent is revoked.

ii. Purpose of use

As part of the activities carried out by us and our group companies, you are informed that personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

To communicate with you
  • Ensure Y-Connect Application is operating smoothly on your smart device
  • Respond to your inquiries, requests, and complaints
  • Share administrative information such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies
  • Advise registered emergency contactee(s) in event of an accident involving your vehicle
  • Respond to your data rights requests (see “9. Your Rights”)
To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
  • Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
  • Improve and/or modify existing services and features
  • For quality and security improvement of products and services
  • Develop new features in response to customer needs
To ensure our business purpose
  • Perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)
  • Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
  • Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
  • Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
  • To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
  • Protect network and information asset
  • Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules

It is stated that the authorization to the general conditions of this Application Notice is a necessary element for the use of Y-Connect Application and fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. Additionally, if you expressly authorize it, your information may be used for the fulfillment of the following additional purposes:

To communicate with you
  • Offer information on contests, events, and promotions and to administer these activities
To ensure our business purpose
  • Provide information on new and updated products and services related to Yamaha Motor Group for purposes including marketing and advertising by email, SMS, Y-Connect Application and/or other contact details you have provided

iii. Sharing your data

We will share the personal data with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”.

iv. Exercise of the rights of the owner of personal data

If you wish to exercise rights provided in the personal data protection laws and regulations in Peru, please contact us to the address below.

Head of Processes and IT Data Protection
Av. Republica de Panama 4344 - Surquillo, Lima

13-3. European Economic Area (EEA)

i. Legal basis for processing your personal data, and categories of personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes.

1) When processing is required for a contract

To perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use the Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID login and password details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information and dealer information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Location Information
    Data acquired from various sensors such as vehicle acceleration information
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version and country code)
  3. Data about your motorcycle connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.
2) When processing is required for the pursuit of legitimate interests

We obtain and process the following categories of your personal data for the following purposes because it is necessary to do so in order to pursue our legitimate interests (for details regarding the balancing test for legitimate interests, please inquire using the contact address at “vi. Contacting us”).


For internal evaluation of Y-Connect Application

To gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use the Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID login and password details)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about the Y-Connect Application (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Data acquired from various sensors such as vehicle acceleration information
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version, country code and carrier code)
  3. Data about your motorcycles connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.

To respond to inquiries, requests and complaints

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use the Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID login and password details)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about the Y-Connect Application (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information and dealer information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version, country code and carrier code)
  3. Data about your motorcycle connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.

Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates

For protection and safety of property and rights

To protect network and information asset

To comply with non-EU or non-Member State laws and regulations

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use the Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID login and password details)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about the Y-Connect Application (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information and dealer information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Data acquired from various sensors such as vehicle acceleration information
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version, country code and carrier code)
  3. Data about your motorcycle connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.
3) When your express consent is obtained in advance

To perform and provide Y-Connect Application that use location information (including supplemental and related services)

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use of Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID login and password details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information and dealer information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Location information
    Data acquired from various sensors such as vehicle acceleration information
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version, country code and carrier code)
  3. Data about your motorcycle connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.

To gather and analyze location information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.

For internal evaluation of Y-Connect Application by using location information

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use the Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID login and password details)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about the Y-Connect Application (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information and dealer information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Location information
    Data acquired from various sensors such as vehicle acceleration information
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version, country code and carrier code)
  3. Data about your motorcycle connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.

For direct marketing analysis and offers

To provide information on products and services related to our group

To operate, manage and provide various information for events and campaigns

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use the Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID and password details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information and dealer information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Location information
    Data acquired from various sensors such as vehicle acceleration information
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version, country code and carrier code)
  3. Data about your motorcycle connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.

If our processing of your personal data is conducted based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of personal data processing that we have conducted based on consent given before that withdrawal. You may withdraw your consent through services and the like you use or by contacting us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.

4) When processing is required to meet our legal obligations under EU or Member State law

To comply with EU or Member State laws and regulations

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter directly onto Y-Connect Application
    Data you need to register to use the Y-Connect Application (such as Yamaha Motor ID and password details)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about the Y-Connect Application (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture, photos, gender, emergency contact details, vehicle maintenance information and dealer information)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device through the Y-Connect Application
    Location information
    Data acquired from various sensors such as vehicle acceleration information
    Usage history of Y-Connect Application, operation log
    Smart device data when you submit an inquiry (such as model name, OS version, country code and carrier code)
  3. Data about your motorcycle connected to Y-Connect Application. This includes:
    Vehicle identification number, vehicle status and engine performance data, fuel-injection and emission-related data, battery information.

Personal data obtained by us includes information directly provided by you to us, information provided through a third party, such as counterparties, contractors, business partners, and social media providers (including Google and/or Apple), and information provided through products and services provided by our group.

ii. Transfer of personal data outside your country or region

Your personal data obtained by us may be transferred, stored and processed outside the EEA. In each case, your personal data must be protected safely at a level of security equivalent to that used for its protection within the EEA. We take all measures (including execution of the standard contractual clauses (Article 46, paragraph 2, item (c) and paragraph 5 of the GDPR) as approved by the European Commission) reasonably necessary to ensure your data is safely stored and processed in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Application Notice and the GDPR and other applicable laws and regulations. Please contact us at any time if you would like to know more about details regarding the safeguards we have in place for transfers of personal data outside the EEA.

iii. Direct Marketing

If you do not wish to receive information that we provide to you in relation to our products, services, and the like (direct marketing), we refrain from conducting direct marketing addressed to you. If you do not wish to receive direct marketing, please contact us through the services, etc. you use or by contact us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.

iv. Automated decision-making

We do not conduct decision-making that is based on automated processing (including profiling) which produces a legal or similar material effect on you.

v. Your rights

You have the rights set out below in relation to your personal data used for Y-Connect Application.

If we receive any request from you in relation to the following, we will faithfully and appropriately deal with that request in accordance with the laws and regulations.

  • Right to access personal data: You have the right to obtain confirmation from us regarding whether any of your personal data is being processed, and if your personal data is being processed, you will have the right to access your personal data and certain information in connection to that personal data.
  • Right to rectify personal data: If your personal data held by us is incorrect, you will have the right to demand that we rectify the personal data.
  • Right to erase personal data (right to be forgotten): If you satisfy certain conditions, you will have the right in some cases to demand erasure of your personal data held by us.
  • Right to restrict processing of personal data: If you satisfy certain requirements, you will have the right in some cases to restrict the processing of your personal data held by us.
  • Objections against processing of personal data: If you satisfy certain conditions, you will have the right in some cases to object to our processing of your personal data.
  • Right to data portability of personal data: If you satisfy certain conditions, you will have the right in some cases to receive in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format the personal data that you have provided to us and will have the right to transmit that data to another controller without hindrance from us.

You can correct a part of your data on Y-Connect Application. If you have any other requests regarding the processing of your data, please contact us through contact form in Y-Connect Application.

vi. Contacting us

If you have any demands, inquiries or requests regarding the processing of personal data, please contact the following address in writing. You can also contact our group’s data protection officer.

For customers who reside in the EEA
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 438-8501, Japan

Data Protection Officer Email:

13-4. United States (Notice at Collection)

1.Purpose of Use

The purposes of use are as stated above at Section 3 of the Application Notice. The chart below is a breakdown of the purposes of use as applicable to each data category identified under U.S. laws.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information


Name; Phone number; Email address; Gender; Data of Birth; and Country of Residence.

(Other contact information if necessary)

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information


By directly enter information on Y-Connect Application.

By providing contact information when users make inquiry.

Purpose of Uses
  1. To communicate with you
    Ensure Y-Connect Application is operating smoothly on your smart device
    Respond to your inquiries, requests, and complaints
    Offer information on contests, events, and promotions and to administer these activities
    Share administrative information such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies
    Advise registered emergency contactee(s) in event of an accident involving your vehicle
    Respond to your data rights requests (see “9. Your Rights”)
  2. To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
    Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
    Improve and/or modify existing services and features
    For quality and security improvement of products and services
    Develop new features in response to customer needs
  3. To ensure our business purpose
    Perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)
    Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
    Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
    Provide information on new and updated products and services related to Yamaha Motor Group for purposes including marketing and advertising by email, SMS, Y-Connect Application and/or other contact details you have provided
  4. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information

Customer Records Information:

Information provided upon inquiry:


Contact Information; and

Content of Inquiry.

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information


By providing contact information when users make an inquiry

Purpose of Uses
  1. To communicate with you
    Ensure Y-Connect Application is operating smoothly on your smart device
    Respond to your inquiries, requests, and complaints
    Offer information on contests, events, and promotions and to administer these activities
    Share administrative information such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies
    Advise registered emergency contactee(s) in event of an accident involving your vehicle
    Respond to your data rights requests (see “9. Your Rights”)
  2. To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
    Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
    Improve and/or modify existing services and features
    For quality and security improvement of products and services
    Develop new features in response to customer needs
  3. To ensure our business purpose
    Perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)
    Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
    Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
    Provide information on new and updated products and services related to Yamaha Motor Group for purposes including marketing and advertising by email, SMS, Y-Connect Application and/or other contact details you have provided
  4. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information

Internet or other electronic network activity information:

Usage History of Y-Connect Application; Operation Log; and Cookie.

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information

User’s mobile device

Information obtained from users’ device through Y-Connect Application

Purpose of Uses
  1. To communicate with you
    Ensure Y-Connect Application is operating smoothly on your smart device
    Respond to your inquiries, requests, and complaints
    Offer information on contests, events, and promotions and to administer these activities
    Share administrative information such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies
    Advise registered emergency contactee(s) in event of an accident involving your vehicle
    Respond to your data rights requests (see “9. Your Rights”)
  2. To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
    Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
    Improve and/or modify existing services and features
    For quality and security improvement of products and services
    Develop new features in response to customer needs
  3. To ensure our business purpose
    Perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)
    Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
    Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
    Provide information on products and services related to Yamaha Motor Group
  4. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information

Geolocation data:

Location data.

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information

User’s mobile device

Information obtained from users’ device through Y-Connect Application

Purpose of Uses
  1. To ensure our business purpose
    Perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)
  2. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information

Sensitive Personal Information:

Precise Geolocation

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information

User’s mobile device

Information obtained from users’ device through Y-Connect Application

Purpose of Uses
  1. To ensure our business purpose
    Perform and provide Y-Connect Application (including supplemental and related services)
  2. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

2. Privacy Rights

We recognize your rights to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict the processing of, and deletion of your data as explained above. In addition to those rights, we also recognize your rights to be not discriminated by exercising your rights.

For California Users, we recognize your right to Opt-out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information. Yamaha does not share Personal Information under the definition of the CCPA/CPRA. Yamaha sells (discloses) your Personal Information and other data with our subsidiaries, affiliates, and counterparties (such as distributors and dealers) in your country or region and service providers (contractors) within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use. To exercise your right to Opt Out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information, submit form from link below.

>> Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information/Do Not Disclose my Sensitive Personal Information

3. Contact Information

If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under the U.S. law, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Yamaha Motor Corporation USA
6555 Katella Ave
Cypress, CA 90630
Call us at 1-800-962-7926
Submit this form: https://yamaha-motor.com/data-privacy-request-form

Última atualização: 5 de dezembro de 2024
Ver. 4.0.1

Aviso de privacidade da Yamaha Motor ID

Este Aviso de Privacidade do Yamaha Motor ID ("Aviso de Privacidade") se aplica aos usuários ("você" ou "seu") que registraram um Yamaha Motor ID gerenciado pela Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. e suas subsidiárias e afiliadas (doravante denominadas "nós", "nos" ou "nosso").

O idioma oficial deste Aviso de Privacidade é o inglês.

1. Informações que coletamos sobre você

Processamos os seguintes dados sobre você ("seus dados"). Isso pode incluir seus dados pessoais.

  1. Dados inseridos para registrar o Yamaha Motor ID

    Dados de perfil (como nome, endereço de e-mail, sexo, data de nascimento, senha e outras informações de contato)

    Dados fornecidos por você para consultas sobre a Yamaha Motor ID (como nome, detalhes de contato e detalhes da consulta)

    nformações opcionais (como foto do perfil e detalhes da conta de mídia social)

  2. Dados obtidos de seu dispositivo inteligente

    Histórico de uso de serviços (incluindo aplicativos conectados fornecidos pela Yamaha) vinculados ao seu Yamaha Motor ID (como registros de operação)

Os dados recuperados em associação com o seu Yamaha Motor ID podem ser combinados com informações pessoais fornecidas diretamente pelo usuário ao Grupo Yamaha, informações fornecidas por terceiros (como provedores de mídia social ao usar o login social) e informações fornecidas por meio dos produtos e serviços do nosso Grupo, dentro do escopo de "3. Propósito de Uso".

2. Base legal para o processamento

Para registrar um Yamaha Motor ID, você será solicitado a confirmar e concordar com este Aviso de Privacidade. Certos serviços fornecidos pela Yamaha exigirão o registro do Yamaha Motor ID antes do uso. Nesses casos, será solicitado ao usuário que confirme e consinta com os Termos e Condições aplicáveis do serviço e com este Aviso de Privacidade.

Qualquer processamento de seus dados obtidos por meio de seu Yamaha Motor ID deverá ser conduzido com base nesse consentimento.

3. Finalidade do uso

Processaremos seus dados para fornecer serviços relacionados que exijam a Yamaha Motor ID. Além disso, podemos processar seus dados para os fins listados abaixo.

  1. Para nos comunicarmos com você

    Responder a consultas, solicitações e reclamações

    Oferecer informações sobre concursos, eventos e promoções e administrar essas atividades

    Compartilhar informações administrativas, como alterações em nossos termos, condições e políticas

    Responder às suas solicitações de direitos de dados (consulte "9. Seus direitos")

  2. Para conduzir pesquisas e desenvolvimento de produtos e recursos e para melhorar os serviços

    Realizar pesquisas, desenvolver e promover novos produtos e serviços

    Aprimorar e/ou modificar os serviços e recursos existentes

    Para melhorar a qualidade e a segurança de produtos e serviços

    Desenvolver novos recursos em resposta às necessidades dos clientes

  3. Para garantir nosso objetivo comercial

    Conduzir análises de dados, auditorias, monitoramento e prevenção de fraudes, planejamento de negócios, determinação da eficácia de campanhas, relatórios e previsões

    Coletar e analisar informações, como pesquisas de mercado, para fins de aprimoramento da qualidade e desenvolvimento de produtos

    Fornecer informações para fins de marketing e publicidade sobre produtos e serviços novos e/ou atualizados da Yamaha Motor para os detalhes de contato fornecidos pelo usuário

  4. Outros

    Cumprir obrigações contratuais com terceiros, agentes, subsidiárias e afiliadas

    Para garantir a proteção e a segurança da propriedade e dos direitos

    Proteger a rede e os ativos de informações

    Cumprir as leis, os regulamentos e outras regras

Os dados coletados a partir do seu Yamaha Motor ID podem ser combinados com informações fornecidas diretamente pelo usuário ao Grupo Yamaha, informações fornecidas por terceiros (como provedores de mídia social ao usar o login social) e/ou informações fornecidas pelo usuário através dos produtos e serviços do nosso Grupo. Essas informações serão usadas para atingir o(s) objetivo(s) de uso declarado(s) acima.

4. Período de retenção

Armazenaremos seus dados pessoais pelo período necessário para atingir a(s) finalidade(s) de uso acima e/ou conforme exigido por lei.

5. Compartilhando seus dados

Poderemos compartilhar seus dados com nossas subsidiárias, afiliadas e contrapartes (como distribuidores e revendedores) em seu país ou região e contratados dentro do escopo necessário para atingir a finalidade de uso ("3. Finalidade de Uso"). Independentemente da finalidade de uso, seus dados serão convertidos em um formato em que o indivíduo não possa ser identificado e, em seguida, compartilhados com os terceiros mencionados acima, como dados estatísticos ou agregados.

6. Transferência de informações pessoais para o exterior

Como estamos envolvidos em atividades comerciais em escala global, podemos transferir seus dados para um país ou região que não tenha leis ou regulamentos de proteção de dados pessoais equivalentes aos do país ou região em que você reside ou está localizado. Ao transferir seus dados para o exterior, tomaremos as medidas apropriadas de acordo com as disposições estabelecidas nas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis.

7. Recurso de login em mídias sociais

Você pode registrar uma Yamaha Motor ID usando sua conta do Google e/ou da Apple. Você será solicitado a nos dar permissão para usar os detalhes de sua conta Google e/ou Apple, incluindo nome e endereço de e-mail. Você pode, a qualquer momento, remover sua conta de nossos serviços e retirar a aprovação de compartilhamento das configurações de sua conta de mídia social.

Se você usar essa função, o provedor de mídia social poderá processar informações relacionadas a você, como o uso do serviço aplicável. Não seremos responsáveis por esse processamento de suas informações. Para obter detalhes sobre as informações relacionadas a você que são processadas por cada provedor de mídia social, consulte a política de privacidade de cada provedor de mídia social.

8. Processamento de informações pessoais de crianças

Quando obtivermos os dados pessoais de uma criança, obteremos o consentimento de agentes estatutários, como uma pessoa com autoridade parental sobre essa criança, e tomaremos outras medidas necessárias de acordo com as leis, decretos e afins aplicáveis.

9. Segurança

Estabelecemos uma estrutura de gerenciamento para impedir o acesso não autorizado, a perda, a destruição, a falsificação e o vazamento de seus dados. Tomamos medidas de segurança organizacionais, físicas e técnicas adequadas, como segue:

  • Estabeleceu uma política interna e uma estrutura de gerenciamento e conduziu um monitoramento regular
  • Implementar as medidas de segurança necessárias para os dispositivos e limitar o acesso aos seus dados somente ao pessoal autorizado
  • Restringir o acesso, implementar medidas antimalware, criptografar ao transferir ou receber dados
  • Incluir a não divulgação nas normas internas e realizar treinamentos regulares para diretores e funcionários
  • Implementar medidas de segurança adequadas com base nas leis e regulamentações dos países/regiões relevantes
  • Investigar e implementar medidas para evitar danos secundários e recorrência no caso de incidentes com dados

Reconhecemos a importância de proteger os dados pessoais e tomamos medidas apropriadas, como treinamento para funcionários que processam dados pessoais.

Se ocorrer um acidente, como o vazamento de seus dados pessoais, responderemos adequadamente a ele, investigando todos os fatos e a causa e tomando medidas para evitar danos secundários e reincidência, conforme apropriado.

10. Seus direitos

Reconhecemos que você tem direitos sobre seus dados, incluindo os direitos de conhecer, acessar, corrigir, transferir, restringir o processamento e excluir seus dados. Lidaremos de forma fiel e apropriada com o exercício de seus direitos de acordo com as disposições estabelecidas nas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis. Para exercer seus direitos, entre em contato conosco (consulte "11. Informações de contato").

Observe que somos obrigados a manter alguns/todos os seus dados para cumprir as obrigações previstas nas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis. Além disso, podemos precisar de alguns/todos os seus dados para fornecer serviços relacionados aos quais você se registrou e talvez não possamos responder à sua solicitação.

Se não estiver satisfeito com nossa resposta, você tem o direito de registrar uma reclamação junto à autoridade responsável pela proteção de dados em seu país ou região, de acordo com as leis e os regulamentos aplicáveis.

11. Alteração deste Aviso de Privacidade

Podemos alterar, revisar, adicionar ou excluir o conteúdo deste Aviso de Privacidade. Isso pode ocorrer devido a alterações nas especificações da Yamaha Motor ID ou devido a alterações nos requisitos das leis e regulamentos aplicáveis.

As alterações a este Aviso de Privacidade serão notificadas ao usuário quando causarem um impacto significativo em seus direitos e liberdades. A notificação será fornecida através dos serviços relacionados nos quais você se registrou com o seu Yamaha Motor ID.

12. Informações de contato

Para quaisquer dúvidas gerais relacionadas ao uso e à coleta de seus dados de acordo com este Aviso, entre em contato conosco abaixo.

(Provedor do Yamaha Motor ID/Controlador de dados)

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-Ken, 438-8501, Japão

13. Notificação adicional para os usuários nas seguintes áreas/países

As seções a seguir fornecem informações adicionais aos usuários, conforme exigido pelas leis de dados locais.


i. Information we collect about you

The information collected will be stored in the storage in charge of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., located in Japan. And it is shared with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”for an indefinite period of time or until your consent is revoked.

ii. Purpose of use

As part of the activities carried out by us and our group companies, you are informed that personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

To communicate with you
  • Respond to inquiries, requests, and complaints
  • Share administrative information such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies
  • Respond to your data rights requests (see “9. Your Rights”)
To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
  • Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
  • Improve and/or modify existing services and features
  • For quality and security improvement of products and services
  • Develop new features in response to customer needs
To ensure our business purpose
  • Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
  • Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
  • Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
  • To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
  • Protect network and information asset
  • Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules

It is stated that the authorization to the general conditions of this Privacy Notice is a necessary element for the use of services requiring Yamaha Motor ID and fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes. Additionally, if you expressly authorize it, your information may be used for the fulfillment of the following additional purposes:

To communicate with you
  • Offer information on contests, events, and promotions and to administer these activities
To ensure our business purpose
  • Provide information for purposes including marketing and advertising on new and/or updated Yamaha Motor products and services to contact details you have provided

iii. Sharing your data

We will share the personal data with YAMAHA MOTOR DEL PERÚ S.A., with RUC N ° 20383929050, located at Av. Republica de Panama N ° 4344-4352, district of Surquillo, Lima – Peru who is the owner of "Personal Data Bank" called "Customer Bank" of Yamaha Motor del Perú S.A. (Code No. 01719) ”.

iv. Exercise of the rights of the owner of personal data

If you wish to exercise rights provided in the personal data protection laws and regulations in Peru, please contact us to the address below.

Head of Processes and IT Data Protection
Av. Republica de Panama 4344 - Surquillo, Lima

13-2. European Economic Area (EEA)

i. Legal basis for processing your personal data, and categories of personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes.

1) When processing is required for a contract

To provide related services requiring Yamaha Motor ID

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about Yamaha Motor ID (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)
2) When processing is required for the pursuit of legitimate interests

We obtain and process the following categories of your personal data for the following purposes because it is necessary to do so in order to pursue our legitimate interests (for details regarding the balancing test for legitimate interests, please inquire using the contact address at “vi. Contacting us”).


For internal evaluation of related services requiring Yamaha Motor ID

To gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile Data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about Yamaha Motor ID (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)

To respond to inquiries, requests and complaints

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile Data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about Yamaha Motor ID (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)

Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates

For protection and safety of property and rights

To protect network and information asset

To comply with non-EU or non-Member State laws and regulations

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile Data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about Yamaha Motor ID (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)
3) When your express consent is obtained in advance

To provide related services requiring Yamaha Motor ID which use location information (including supplemental and related services)

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile Data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)

To gather and analyze location information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development.

For internal evaluation of related services requiring Yamaha Motor by using location information

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile Data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about Yamaha Motor ID (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)

For direct marketing analysis and offers

To provide information on products and services related to our group

To operate, manage and provide various information for events and campaigns

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile Data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)

If our processing of your personal data is conducted based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time. Withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of personal data processing that we have conducted based on consent given before that withdrawal. You may withdraw your consent through services and the like you use or by contacting us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.

4) When processing is required to meet our legal obligations under EU or Member State law

To comply with EU or Member State laws and regulations

Categories of personal data
  1. Data you enter to register Yamaha Motor ID
    Profile Data (such as name, email address, gender, date of birth, password and other contact information)
    Data provided by you for inquiries about Yamaha Motor ID (such as name, contact details and inquiry details)
    Optional information (such as profile picture and social media account details)
  2. Data obtained from your smart device
    Usage history of services (including Yamaha provided connected applications) linked to your Yamaha Motor ID (such as operation logs)

Personal data obtained by us includes information directly provided by you to us, information provided through a third party, such as counterparties, contractors, business partners, and social media providers (including Google and/or Apple), and information provided through products and services provided by our group.

ii. Transfer of personal data outside your country or region

Your personal data obtained by us may be transferred, stored and processed outside the EEA. In each case, your personal data must be protected safely at a level of security equivalent to that used for its protection within the EEA. We take all measures (including execution of the standard contractual clauses (Article 46, paragraph 2, item (c) and paragraph 5 of the GDPR) as approved by the European Commission) reasonably necessary to ensure your data is safely stored and processed in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Privacy Policy and the GDPR and other applicable laws and regulations. Please contact us at any time if you would like to know more about details regarding the safeguards we have in place for transfers of personal data outside the EEA.

iii. Direct marketing

If you do not wish to receive information that we provide to you in relation to our products, services, and the like (direct marketing), we refrain from conducting direct marketing addressed to you. If you do not wish to receive direct marketing, please contact us through the services, etc. you use or by contact us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.

iv. Automated decision-making

We do not conduct decision-making that is based on automated processing (including profiling) which produces a legal or similar material effect on you.

v. Your rights

You have the rights set out below in relation to your personal data used for Yamaha Motor ID.

If we receive any request from you in relation to the following, we will faithfully and appropriately deal with that request in accordance with the laws and regulations.

  • Right to access personal data: You have the right to obtain confirmation from us regarding whether any of your personal data is being processed, and if your personal data is being processed, you will have the right to access your personal data and certain information in connection to that personal data.
  • Right to rectify personal data: If your personal data held by us is incorrect, you will have the right to demand that we rectify the personal data.
  • Right to erase personal data (right to be forgotten): If you satisfy certain conditions, you will have the right in some cases to demand erasure of your personal data held by us.
  • Right to restrict processing of personal data: If you satisfy certain requirements, you will have the right in some cases to restrict the processing of your personal data held by us.
  • Objections against processing of personal data: If you satisfy certain conditions, you will have the right in some cases to object to our processing of your personal data.
  • Right to data portability of personal data: If you satisfy certain conditions, you will have the right in some cases to receive in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format the personal data that you have provided to us and will have the right to transmit that data to another controller without hindrance from us.

You can correct a part of your data on Yamaha Motor ID portal. If you have any other requests regarding the processing of your data, please contact us using the contact details at “vi. Contacting us”.

vi. Contact information of Data Protection Officer

If you require the services of our Data Protection Officer, please contact us below.

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
2500 Shingai, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka-ken, 438-8501, Japan

13-3. United States (Notice at Collection)

1.Purpose of Use

The purposes of use are as stated above at Section 3 of the Privacy Notice. The chart below is a breakdown of the purposes of use as applicable to each data category identified under U.S. laws.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information


Name; Phone number; Email address; Gender; Data of Birth; and Country of Residence.

(Other contact information if necessary)

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information


By directly entering information onto profile page.

By providing contact information when users make inquiry.

Purpose of Uses
  1. To communicate with you
    Respond to inquiries, requests, and complaints
    Offer information on contests, events, and promotions and to administer these activities
    Share administrative information such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies
    Respond to your data rights requests (see “9. Your Rights”)
  2. To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
    Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
    Improve and/or modify existing services and features
    For quality and security improvement of products and services
    Develop new features in response to customer needs
  3. To ensure our business purpose
    Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
    Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
    Provide information for purposes including marketing and advertising on new and/or updated Yamaha Motor products and services to contact details you have provided
  4. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information

Customer Records Information:

Information provided upon inquiry:


Contact Information; and

Content of Inquiry.

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information


By providing contact information when users make an inquiry

Purpose of Uses
  1. To communicate with you
    Respond to inquiries, requests, and complaints
    Offer information on contests, events, and promotions and to administer these activities
    Share administrative information such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies
    Respond to your data rights requests (see “9. Your Rights”)
  2. To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
    Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
    Improve and/or modify existing services and features
    For quality and security improvement of products and services
    Develop new features in response to customer needs
  3. To ensure our business purpose
    Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
    Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
    Provide information for purposes including marketing and advertising on new and/or updated Yamaha Motor products and services to contact details you have provided
  4. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

Categories and Specific pieces of Personal Information

Internet or other electronic network activity information:

Usage History; Operation Log; and Cookies.

Categories of Sources from which Yamaha collected Personal Information

User’s mobile device

Information obtained from users’ device

Purpose of Uses
  1. To conduct research and development of products and features, and to improve services
    Conduct research, and develop, promote new products and services
    Improve and/or modify existing services and features
    For quality and security improvement of products and services
    Develop new features in response to customer needs
  2. To ensure our business purpose
    Conduct data analytics, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, business planning, determining effectiveness of campaigns, reporting, and forecasting
    Gather and analyze information such as market research for the purpose of quality improvement and product development
    Provide information for purposes including marketing and advertising on new and/or updated Yamaha Motor products and services to contact details you have provided
  3. Other
    Fulfill contractual obligations with third parties, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates
    To ensure protection and safety of property and rights
    Protect network and information asset
    Comply with laws, regulations, and other rules
Categories of Third Parties with which we may sell that Information

Our subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors and dealers in your country or region, and service providers within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

2. Privacy Rights

We recognize your rights to know, access, correct, transfer, restrict the processing of, and deletion of your data as explained above. In addition to those rights, we also recognize your rights to be not discriminated by exercising your rights.

For California Users, we recognize your right to Opt-out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information. Yamaha does not share Personal Information under the definition of the CCPA/CPRA. Yamaha sells (discloses) your Personal Information and other data with our subsidiaries, affiliates, and counterparties (such as distributors and dealers) in your country or region and service providers (contractors) within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use. To exercise your right to Opt Out of Sale or Sharing of Personal Information, please submit form from link below.

>> Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information/Do Not Disclose my Sensitive Personal Information

3.Contact Information

If you have any questions or comments about this notice, the ways in which we collect and use your personal information, your choices and rights regarding such use, or wish to exercise your rights under the U.S. law, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Yamaha Motor Corporation USA
6555 Katella Ave Cypress, CA 90630
Call us at 1-800-962-7926
Submit this form: https://yamaha-motor.com/data-privacy-request-form

Última atualização: 1º de agosto de 2024