Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2022

Whistleblowing Systems (Compliance Hotlines) The Yamaha Motor Group has a whistleblowing system for report-ing any acts that may be in violation of the Code of Ethics. The Yamaha Motor Group Compliance Hotline for Yamaha Motor and domestic Group companies has been carrying out integrated management of our harassment and compliance hotlines since 2020. In 2018, the Global Compliance Hotline was introduced for overseas Group companies and since 2021, the system has been strengthened by broadening the scope of eligibility to use the hotline and offering the service in more languages. To make it easy to report issues, both hotlines are established at specialized outside institutions and accept anonymous reports. Reports that we receive through the hotline are managed strictly as confiden-tial information based on our internal rules. In carrying out investi-gations, we give consideration to protection of the personal information of the person making the report as well as that of the person who is the target of the report, while ensuring the confi-dentiality of matters related to the case in question. In the case that misconduct is revealed through investigations, strict punish-ments are carried out. At the same time, we promptly execute corrective action as well as take measures to prevent recurrence. 2017Reports made108201820192020120159186Compliance Training in Japan - No. of Attendees (Aggregate Attendees)Compliance Training at Overseas Group Companies - No. of Attendees (Aggregate Attendees)Through such responses, we work to prevent the occurrence of illegal acts and misconduct and enable their early discovery. To protect whistleblowers, internal rules clearly state that no directors/officers/employees of the Company and the Company’s group companies shall treat the person making a report disadvan-tageously in any manner because the person made the report. We are striving to create a system and culture of compliance by ensur-ing employees have a deep understanding of the whistleblowing system, and enabling rapid and proper functioning of the system. Yamaha Motor established a Fair Business Hotline in 2017 as a contact point for suppliers, and since 2019, its use has been expanded to include all business partners with which we have ongoing transactions. The number of hotlines (including consultations) received in 2021 was 182, and below is the breakdown of the hotlines. Whistleblowing systems have also been established and operated individually at major Group companies, based on the local laws and regulations and other circumstances specific to each respec-tive company.Executive officer trainingDivision manager trainingWorkplace trainingLaws and regulations trainingE-learningLevel-specific stratified training (division manager, manager, floor manager, new hires, mid-career hires, and temporary staff, etc.)America, Europe, AustraliaNorth Central and Asia South America(excl. China)China“import/export controls,” “Subcontracting Act related topics,” “prevention of insider trading,” “intellectual property rights,” “IT risk,” “substances of concern controls,” “harassment,” and “cybersecurity.” In addition to online training programs, e-learning is used to provide training in a wide range of fields. Other than the examples above, this training includes “security trade control” and “protection of personal information.” question, “Do you consider the Company’s compliance training to be meaningful?” 82% of respondents answered “Yes” and 4% answered “No.” Training in the Code of Ethics and legal and regulatory training is also carried out for new employees of overseas Group compa-nies, and the results are monitored at the head office.In the 2021 compliance awareness survey, in response to the Whistleblowing Systems (Compliance Hotlines)Please visit our website for more information on compliance initiatives.https://global.yamaha-motor.com/about/csr/compliance/ 17,2122021Human resources and labor relationsFinancial / accounting182Information managementOther regulatory violationsHuman rights violationCorruption preventionOther9,47226,400Subjects of Reports in 202113122918,76619,876107,6172,366Total1,98155,065Percent of total64%6%3%14%0%0%13%79

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