Outside directors Takehiro Kamigama and Yuko Tashiro, and outside Audit & Supervisory Board member Eriko Kawai shared and discussed their individual assessments of Yamaha Motor’s corporate governance systems, issues that need addressing, as well as the duties they feel they must fulfill as members of the Board.62Kamigama Tashiro-san and I previously spoke together in Integrated Report 2020 and this time we have outside Audit & Supervisory Board member Kawai-san joining us. Kawai-san, having served as an outside auditor with Yamaha Motor for a year now, I would first like to hear your thoughts and impres-sions on your experience so far.Kawai The discussions we have at Board meetings are very spirited. You, Tashiro-san, and the other outside directors all have a wealth of management experience as leaders at global companies, so the input and comments made are extremely practical. You all express your opinions without sugarcoating anything or for the sake of ingratiation—and they are some-times harsh opinions at that—but this is precisely why I feel that the role expected of independent outside directors is being fulfilled. Yamaha Motor’s executives are also gaining new knowledge from the outside directors and I feel this provides good stimulus for them as well.Takehiro KamigamaOutside DirectorYuko TashiroOutside DirectorTashiro It is often the case that things considered obvious to those in the company can be difficult for those outside it to understand. I think it is important for us as outside directors to ask the kind of questions that make people at Yamaha Motor more aware of this. As transparency with company manage-ment becomes increasingly crucial going forward, it will be that much more vital to communicate information in ways that investors and other outsiders can understand, so I do not hesitate to ask questions regarding things I am unsure about. Yamaha Motor’s Medium-Term Management Plan announced earlier this year implements portfolio management and clari-fies the positioning of each business. When I began serving as an outside director, I wondered how the Company manages such a diverse range of businesses operating in so many coun-tries around the world, and I did not fully understand the positioning of each business. But we outside directors partici-pated in the process for formulating the new Medium-Term Management Plan and were involved in the numerous discus-sions held at Board meetings. I believe it is a significant mark of progress that the positioning of each business has been well organized and is now easier for outsiders to understand. Eriko Kawai Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member Outside Officer RoundtableYamaha Motor’s corporate governance is making sure-footed strides toward its goal to be a Kando Creating Company.
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