Reinforcement of Global GovernanceCultivation of Human Resources for the Future At the same time, we recognize that increasing the ratio of outside directors with a diverse range of expertise and broad perspectives is crucial to incorporating a wider breadth of opinions into Board discussions. It was for this reason that we appointed Jin Song Montesano as a new outside director, who is also Yamaha Motor’s first non-Japanese director. This appointment has raised the number of women on the Board of Directors to three, increas-ing the diversity of its membership. I hope that the outside direc-tors will offer to the greatest extent possible their input and Around 90% of Yamaha Motor’s sales originate from overseas and our global network includes more than 100 bases of operation around the world. It goes without saying that the legal require-ments can vary by country and region, and the Company has thus maintained a global perspective when it comes to reinforcing corporate governance. It would not be an overstatement to say that the reinforcement of frameworks for governance within bases, between bases and the headquarters, as well as the enhancement of the related training systems, is an important mission.I feel confident saying that our efforts in that mission have led to the entrenchment within bases of training programs designed to heighten employee knowledge and awareness regarding risks. There has also been noteworthy progress in developing frame-works for swiftly communicating the information gained through the resulting higher awareness to management at global bases. Meanwhile, compliance-related matters have been adopted as In fiscal 2022, Yamaha Motor appointed its first woman executive officer. The Company has some 430 core positions around the world and about half are held by local hires today, meaning that locally hired employees are active in important roles at our bases. In addition, base managers are being appointed to key positions at the headquarters and the use of inter-base job rotations and other systems is brisk. Given the current condition of the Company, I believe that there is a need to reform remuneration and other systems if we hope to allocate our human resources more ideally and without undue consideration paid to nationality or gender. Personally, I am dedicated to using the Management Committee as a venue for empowering newer employees. To this advice, and point out issues based on perspectives that differ from the ones we hold predicated on our backgrounds mainly in B2C manufacturing. This type of input and advice should also be a valuable asset for enhancing discussions regarding sustainability. Furthermore, the Company has begun arranging forums for outside directors and the president to discuss and evaluate non-financial issues. These forums are being used to examine succession plans for the president and other issues.essential agenda items at all Global Executive Committee (GEC) meetings, which serve as the forum for discussions between leaders at our principal bases. In these meetings, base leaders deliberate and discuss these matters amongst themselves based on relevant case studies. Moreover, the proceedings at Board of Directors meetings have been rearranged so that the president’s presentation of pertinent topics at the beginning of meetings starts with less favorable reports to instill the stating of unwel-come news first as a shared value. reinforcing governance that encompass everyone, from frontline employees to management at the headquarters. However, no amount of diligent effort can erase all risk factors. There is also no end goal for governance reinforcement measures, and based on this recognition, Yamaha Motor will maintain its commitment to fortifying its corporate governance systems going forward.In this manner, we are implementing various initiatives for end, I look to increase the range of opportunities for younger employees to gain experience by giving presentations at Management Committee meetings, as they will likely be candi-dates for future manager and executive officer positions someday. I also want to facilitate a deeper understanding of our approach to human resources among outside directors through this approach. Yamaha Motor is committed to always delivering new Kando and new value as a Kando Creating Company, and in my capacity as chairman, I aim to ensure high-quality proceedings take place at meetings of the Board of Directors. I hope we can look forward to the ongoing support and understanding of our stakeholders.61
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