Yamaha Motor promotes its global intellectual property strategies to create, protect, and utilize its intellectual property rights, and in doing so not only raise both corporate and brand value but also fulfill our corporate mission to be a Kando Creating Company. IP for Business Intellectual Property Activities to Achieve ART for Human Possibilities Four Policy Pillars of Intellectual Property Activities(1) Move one step ahead of conventional intellectual property activities that consist primarily of intellectual property creation linked to product and technology development in existing businesses(2) Pursue intellectual property activities that preempt technological develop-ments and the expansion of business areas by looking beyond our existing technologies and markets(3) Indicate advanced fields that target further preemption and business area expansion through analysis of the intellectual property landscape(4) Contribute to management decisions and strategy formulation from the perspectives of intellectual property analysis and market and technological growth analysis52Under the banner of “IP for Business,” Yamaha Motor carries out its intellectual property tasks based on its Four Policy Pillars of Intellectual Property Activities. The Company is actively making use of intellectual property analysis through collaborative initiatives with the divisions in charge of various areas of technology. Reporting on intellectual property activities, such as analyses of intellectual properties present in growth areas, is one of the duties of the Technology Business Committee, which discusses technical strategies from a long-term business perspective. Company executives and management receive an annually published Technology White Paper, which provides visualizations and suggestions about trends in technology based on intellectual property analysis, along with suggestions about the layout and Through our work to realize our Long-Term Vision for 2030 of “ART for Human Possibilities: Let’s strive for greater happiness,” we are aiming to not only solve critical societal issues and achieve sustainable growth but also to enhance our corporate value. Our intellectual property departments are involved in our business activities from the earliest discussions and create the core intellectual properties needed for reaching these goals. SDGs: Building the Technological Platforms for Electrification SDGs: Visualization of Forest CompositionWe are helping accelerate the shift to EVs through our platform strategies, which include targeted patent applications for components critical to electric powertrains.We have successfully used unmanned industrial-use helicopters to digitally visualize forest layers. This enables efficient gathering of point cloud data and is contributing to laborsavings and the development of new smart forestry methodsTrademarkThis electrically power-assisted bicycle employs a unique Dual Twin® frame design providing the optimal battery layout while still achieving the required rigidity. We will use our mix of intellectual properties to expedite progress in this growth business.The business is examining entire production lines and analyzing drops in productivity and quality issues in real time in order to raise both line efficiency and workpiece quality.contents of white papers from an intellectual property perspective. This serves as a guide for creating value according to the Four Policy Pillars of Intellectual Property Activities. Growth Business (SPV): A Unique Model with High Added Value Growth Business (Robotics): Real-Time Production AnalysisIntellectual Properties
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