Yamaha Motor Today10 A History of Expanding Our Portfolio in 12 A Globe-Spanning Business Featuring a 14 Maximizing Our Environmental and 16 Financial and Non-Financial Highlights Management Platforms60 From the Chairman of the Board of Directors62 Outside Officer Roundtable66 Directors and Audit & 69 Corporate Governance76 Risk Management78 Compliance Medium- to Long-Term Strategies18 Yamaha Motor’s System of Strategic Policies19 Important Societal Issues (Materiality Issues)22 Medium-Term Management Plan (2022–2024)28 Land Mobility 30 Marine Products32 Robotics33 Financial Services34 From the Director in Charge of Corporate 36 Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality 40 Digital Transformation Strategy42 Human Resource Development44 Sustainability Facts and Data81 Environmental and Social Data82 Eleven-Year Summary84 Management’s Discussion and Analysis of 88 Global Group Network90 Corporate Information / Stock Information33Key Points of Integrated Report 2022Based on the Long-Term Vision for 2030 of “ART for Human Possibilities: Let’s strive for greater happiness,” Integrated Report 2022 provides details on specific initiatives for medium- to long-term strategies and measures focused on driving the new Medium-Term Management Plan announced in February 2022. The following key points will help develop an even deeper understanding of Yamaha Motor’s value creation story.New Medium-Term Management Plan Aimed at Enhancing Our Social, Environmental, and Economic Value4 From the PresidentPursuit of KandoDiverse Range of ProductsSocial ValuePlanning and Financial Affairs(Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations) Activities for Greater Functional Competitiveness46 Creative Branding & Design50 Research and Development52 Intellectual Properties54 Procurement56 Manufacturing and Production (Monozukuri)58 Sales (Marketing)Supervisory Board MembersFiscal 2021 Business ResultsReinforcement of Sustainability Initiatives Aimed at Achieving Carbon NeutralityUnder the banner of the Long-Term Vision, Yamaha Motor formulated the new Medium-Term Management Plan—beginning in fiscal 2022—based on a review of the previous Medium-Term Management Plan. This report also provides information on the Company’s direction regarding the implementa-tion of a portfolio strategy to maximize its social, environmental, and economic value.Relevant Pages P.4–9 P.14–15 P.22–27 P.34–35 From the PresidentMaximizing Our Environmental and Social Value Medium-Term Management Plan (2022–2024) From the Director in Charge of Corporate Planning and Financial AffairsYamaha Motor is reinforcing its sustainability initiatives, such as its response to climate change, and has revised its targets for reducing CO2 emissions under the Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050 in order to accelerate progress toward carbon neutrality. These initiatives have been incorporated into the new Medium-Term Management Plan and also introduced as metrics in the Company’s executive remunera-tion system.Relevant Pages P.36–39 P.69–75 Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality (Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations)Corporate GovernanceYamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 202212Contents
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