Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2022

The Company believes that a vital objective of management is to further raise the value of the Yamaha brand and make it shine. The efforts for accomplishing this will be guided by Takuya Kinoshita, who was appointed Chief General Manager of the Creative Center in January 2022, and will take on the responsibilities of leading the Company’s branding and design activities. The following pages explain the history of Yamaha Motor’s branding activities and ambitions for the future.46Communicating the Real Value Delivered to People and SocietyLet me first explain the framework of the Yamaha Motor brand. To do this, we must first understand that Yamaha Motor was established by spinning off the motorcycle division from Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd. (today’s Yamaha Corporation) in 1955. As a result, the Yamaha Motor brand falls under a larger Yamaha brand that is shared with Yamaha Corporation. The Yamaha Motor brand is thus a result forged by the synergies between the traditional assets of the shared Yamaha brand and the individual value Yamaha Motor has generated to date via its business. To magnify the assets of the Yamaha brand that form the foundation for the Yamaha Motor brand, we have conducted joint branding efforts with Yamaha Corporation under the “Two Yamahas, One Passion” slogan. With this dual-faceted structure, we hope to grow the Yamaha Motor brand into one that brings happiness, anticipation, and achieve-ments to all it touches.Emphasizing Media at the Creative Center under the Medium-Term Management Plan Given the breadth of Yamaha Motor’s businesses and the markets they serve, a sophisticated management approach is indispensable to ensuring the functionality of corporate and business brands on both a Companywide and individual business basis. We are therefore advanc-ing the following initiatives based on the frameworks of the New Medium-Term Management Plan, which include the field of design (detailed on the following page). Our first step will be to stress the role of media at the Creative Center. Through this approach, we will develop the Creative Center to Takuya KinoshitaSenior Executive Officer,Chief General Manager of Creative Center,Brand Committee ChairmanGrowing Importance of Brands as a Management Resource Summating the Company’s Thoughts and ActionsYamaha Motor recognizes that its brand is among its most important manage-ment resources. As the economic growth of capitalist societies slows, the purpose of companies is being questioned even more and this additional scrutiny is increasing the role and the scope of influence of brands, which are largely syn-onymous with the company itself, its values, and its ethics. The growing impor-tance of brands is also being driven by people’s deepening connection with the world around them and changes in their aspirations and values, as seen in the rising interest in environment issues. The elements that form a brand’s value structure are incredibly intertwined. It is important that the economic value of a company, e.g., the products and ser-vices it offers, the processes that create said products and services, the purposes and philosophies embodied by these processes, and the values and ethics espoused all be interconnected with the desires of people and society. In other words, brands are an amalgamation of all of the thinking and actions that take place within an organization, and it is this amalgamation that gives form to the brands of the Company as well as those in its businesses and product lines. Happiness is not something that can be achieved through physical possessions alone. Whether it is a motorcycle or a piano, one’s own desire to improve in ability with such items makes physical possessions partners for deriving greater levels of joy. By combining such items that serve as outlets for passion with activities for demand creation and popularization—part of our traditional approach—we aim to foster a brand that elevates self-improvement into a form of recreation. This is the desire encapsulated in our “Revs your Heart” brand slogan. At the same time, we recognize that the value of a brand is con-stantly reassessed from a social perspective. Accordingly, communica-tion and engagement are imperative for portraying to as many people as possible our efforts to help resolve important societal issues. We are therefore promoting communication that defines the principal forms of societal value Yamaha Motor creates as mobility value, time value, and environmental value.provide media functions targeting management and other internal stakeholders; functions aimed at customers, partners, and other members of society; and media venues linking these functions. We are also moving ahead with the construction of frameworks for effective incorporation of insight and advice from experts in fields that include branding and media. Moreover, we aim to support these functions with a foundation formed by redefining our core value, establishing and following unique indicators, and fostering communication skills.Creative Branding & Design

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