Human Rights Initiatives Signing the United Nations Global CompactIn 2017, the Yamaha Motor Group signed the UN Global Compact, a series of principles proposed by the United Nations. The UN Global Compact contains principles regarding human rights and labor, and the signing enables the Company to not only express the Group’s approach to human rights both internally and externally but also carry out various activities in order to increase the effectiveness of compliance with these principles. One of these activities was to establish the Global Compact Secondary Meeting under the jurisdiction of the Sustainability Promotion Employee and Group Company InitiativesUnder the Sustainability Basic Policy formulated by the Yamaha Motor Group in June 2021, we have positioned human rights as a top priority issue common to all stakeholders. To promote Groupwide awareness and understanding of this basic policy, we have prepared versions in 17 different languages and have received written confirmation of agreement from the management of each Group company. Additionally, we have created explanations for each item to increase transparency for Group employees. The Code of Ethics, a set of guidelines for the ethics of Group employees, specifies that they must not carry out acts that abuse or deny a person’s character according to factors such as race, nationality, ideals, principles in life, physical characteristics, person-ality, or relatives, and must not carry out any form of harassment, Supplier InitiativesWe ask our business partners to support the Yamaha Motor Group Sustainability Basic Policy and request that they act on the basis of this policy. Additionally, under the Sustainability Guideline for Suppliers, we created a section on human rights and the working environment, which specifies respect for human rights, the prohibition of child labor, the prohibition of forced and com-pulsory labor, the provision of decent wages, dialogue and consul-tation with employees, and other issues. To enhance the efficiency of these requests, we have received written confirmation of agree-ment from each of our business partners and have distributed and collected self-assessment questionnaires. Furthermore, in Yamaha Motor’s biggest market of Indonesia, we commissioned a third party to conduct trial assessments of working environments, including aspects of human rights viola-tions in 2019. In 2021, the assessment was focused on foreign technical intern trainees at Yamaha Motor headquarters in Japan, since the abuse of such workers has gained attention domestically in recent years. We conducted a two-stage survey of domestic suppliers and interviewed three companies regarding their foreign technical intern trainees in collaboration with a third-party institu-tion. We were able to confirm that these companies had Meeting. Those responsible for human resources, procurement, and other areas related to human rights and labor gather in one place across divisional boundaries to eliminate issues, consider new activities, and confirm progress made. Furthermore, Yamaha Motor actively participates in subcommittees organized by the Global Compact Network Japan—the Japanese branch of the UN Global Compact—and are working to improve our in-house activities through study sessions related to human rights, such as inviting a human rights special interest group for lectures.including sexual harassment. We are also striving to enhance employee awareness of human rights through e-learning and training. Our risk management system, which covers all business units and subsidiaries under the Group umbrella, has a human rights-related component addressing associated risk in our own opera-tions and across the supply chain. We monitor, assess, and formulate measures to mitigate such risk. We also conduct a Groupwide compliance awareness survey each year to gauge how aware employees are about their human rights. We also have a reporting line established to enable employees to report a prob-lem right away in the event a situation arises, and we maintain and operate a whistleblowing system.established favorable employment and personal relationships with no major issues; however, we also provided feedback and propos-als based on the report provided by the third-party institution as a reference for making further improvements.45
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