In May 2019, Yamaha Motor announced its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Since then, we have been taking steps to track and manage climate change-related opportunities and risks that could affect our business in order to incorporate adaptive and mitigative climate change measures into our business strategies. As environmental regulations tighten and the move to decarbonization accelerates around the world, the Company revised the CO2 emissions targets in the Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050 (hereinafter, “Environmental Plan 2050”) in fiscal 2021. We are now continuing to move forward with initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality while offering new excitement and a more fulfilling life for people all over the world.(Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations)SupervisoryExecution36 Climate Change-Related Governance The Board of Directors formulates policies on dealing with issues concerning sustainability and regularly reviews their implementation status. With regard to issues concerning sustainability, the Board of Directors oversees the Sustainability Committee, which meets three times a year and is chaired by the president and chief executive officer and comprises executive officers appointed by the Board of Directors. For these issues, we positioned the environmental field in particular as an important area to be tackled by management and established the Environment Committee, chaired by an executive officer in charge of environmental activities. The Environment Committee meets three times a year to discuss policies concerning the environment and vision for the future, assess Environmental Plan 2050, and conduct annual Process for Managing Climate Change Risks Climate change-related risk management is integrated into the Group’s overall risk management framework. Each year, the Environment Committee manages the progress of goals and targets for specific initiatives as business strategies to address the risks and opportunities identified by each business and functional sector. It reports the results to the Sustainability Committee, which is composed of the same mem-bers as the Management Committee, and to the Board of Directors.Chair: Executive officer in charge of promoting environmental activitiesMembers: Seventeen persons responsible for promoting activities in each business and department (progress reports by three chief general managers of business operations)Information managementLand MobilityMarine ProductsSolution BusinessPromotion managersPersons responsible for Companywide promotionCompanywide policyProcurement CenterManufacturing CenterTechnical Research & Development CenterCorporate Planning & Manufacturing Technology CenterPromotion managersPromotion managersExecutionExecutionCarbon Neutral Technology Review SubcommitteeEach business departmentBoard of DirectorsSustainability Committee (three times/year)Chair: President and chief executive officer Members: Executive officers with specific postsEnvironment Committee (three times/year)Environment Promotion Meeting (monthly) Environmental investmentBases and subsidiariesFinance CenterPromotion managersExecutionExecutionreviews of each operating division’s progress against its targets. The committee reports its findings to the Board of Directors at least twice a year. Based on the 2021 review of Environmental Plan 2050, the conven-ing of the Sustainability Committee was changed from twice a year to three times a year in order to bolster efforts toward carbon neutrality, and the Environment Promotion Meeting was newly established as an organization under the Environment Committee. In addition, KPI performance for materiality issues, including climate change, and ESG external evaluations are linked to the remuneration of executives and other senior managers to encourage effective initiatives.Supervision of climate change responseStipulation of basic policy on climate change responseStipulation of important matters related to climate changeDeliberation and review of basic policies and important matters related to climate change• Scenario analysis and assessment of climate change risks and opportunities• Setting greenhouse gas reduction targets and managing progressCompanywide information integration and overall promotion• Companywide information integration and review of Companywide policies• Review of environment-related budget allocation• Review of environment-related resource allocation• Review of credit trading policy• Collection and sharing of external information• Progress management of environmental measures, etc.Execution framework to achieve each department’s targets• Establishment of a promotion manager in each department• Setting targets for each department• Incorporation into each department’s medium-term environmental plan• Carbon Neutral Technology Review Subcommittee duties• Review of business risks and sales strategies, etc.Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
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