Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2022

Review of Previous Medium-Term Management Plan (2019–2021) In setting out to realize the Long-Term Vision we proclaimed in 2018, the first three-year Medium-Term Management Plan from 2019 to 2021 comprised two main pillars: growth strategies aimed at achieving net sales of ¥2 trillion and an ROS of 9%, and the reinforcement of management foundations. While the management environment changed dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic and led to us lowering the ¥2 trillion numerical target, we did achieve record-high net sales and operating income. Overview of the New Medium-Term Management Plan Under our corporate mission to be a Kando Creating Company, we will work to realize our Long-Term Vision of ART for Human Possibilities by carrying out our new Medium-Term Management Plan from 2022, as phase two of the Company’s ongoing transformation. In recognition of the numerous challenges that must be addressed, including changes in the 8400 Operating income margin Net sales Medium- to Long-Term StrategiesMedium-Term Management Plan (2022–2024)Growth Strategies Despite differences in the growth of existing business fields by business and area, there was a general surge in the recovery of demand from the summer of 2020 onward from the environment shifting to one of “living with COVID-19.” The pandemic created an adverse business environment fraught with lockdowns and difficulties in procurement, production, and logistics operations. However, all our major subsidiaries and departments made self-driven efforts to adapt under a management ethos of focusing on the break-even point, engaging in flexible production, enacting various cost reduction measures to offset rising costs, curtailing expenses, and so forth. These efforts ultimately increased our corporate resilience. We have narrowed our development of new businesses down to four fields: mobility services, low-speed automated vehicles, medical & health-care, and agricultural automation; and have developed each business from the seed-sowing stage through to commercialization. Despite being unable to take actions as planned due to restrictions on travel, in the fields of mobility services and low-speed automated vehicles, we were able to progress from the seed-sowing stage through to sales generation. Net Sales / Operating Income Margin(¥ billion) invest in new and growing businesses that contribute to the creation of a sustainable world, and accelerate digital initiatives and co-creation to boost our growth potential.We will strengthen the earning power of our core businesses, Previous Medium-Term Management PlanTowards achieving the Long-Term VisionNew Medium-Term Management Plan222,5002,0001,5001,0005002008200920072010201120122013business environment, the rising awareness of sustainability, and the need for transformation, we will continue with the growth strategies and rein-forcement of management foundations that we have pursued until now under the new Medium-Term Management Plan, but while also strengthen-ing our response to sustainability.2014201520162017Reinforcement of Management Foundations We have been working on our digital transformation (DX) and carrying out structural reforms for our global production scheme. On the DX front, we worked to overhaul our sales, development, and manufacturing departments as well as our global enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, making progress in each area. In overhauling the ERP system, we found it more difficult than expected to transition our current methods and systems to the new system, and are working to address the issues that emerged. Moreover, our sales departments staged a rapid response to the lockdowns brought on by the pandemic by speedily launching e-commerce sites. They have also introduced connected models and apps and begun analyzing the data acquired. The development departments have endeavored to raise productiv-ity via digital technologies, such as driving greater use of NX modeling software for product development and utilizing model-based systems engi-neering (MBSE). Our manufacturing arm put forth its Smart Factory initiative and is implementing AI-based data analysis methods, shifting to automation, and striving to save on labor. Regarding the global structural reforms to our production system, we made progress in consolidating or closing factories in Europe, Taiwan, and India, and took the first steps to optimize our production scheme in Japan. With production demands changing day by day and production fluctuations to respond to, things remain difficult, but we have still made steady progress with our forward-looking reforms.Basic Policies2018201920202021(Forecast)(%)201612–4–82024(Target)2022

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