Yamaha Motor identified important societal issues (materiality issues) to address in light of significant changes in the business environment as well as in terms of risks and opportunities. In order to resolve these societal issues, the Company formulated its Long-Term Vision for 2030 to indicate the directions we will take. In 2022, the Company revised its materiality issues and is implementing a new Medium-Term Management Plan aimed at realizing the Long-Term Vision. For details on important societal issues identified by the Company, the Long-Term Vision, and our various measures, please see the relevant pages.Important Societal Issues (Materiality Issues)Three Focus AreasLeverage and evolve intelligent technologies and robotics as a foundationCorporate MissionMedium- and Long-Term Strategy (Corporate Strategy)Advancing Robotics External environmental factors of particular importance for Yamaha MotorEnvironment and resourcesEnvironmental Plan 2050Medium-Term Management Plan MeasuresPropose uniquely Yamaha solutions Long-Term Vision for 2030 (Growth Strategy Directions)Kando Creating Company Offering new excitement and a more fulfilling life for people all over the worldRethinking SolutionStrengthen the earning power of our core businessesTransportation and industryPortfolio strategyDigital transformation (DX) strategyHuman capital managementHuman resources development strategyAccelerate digital 18• The shift to recycling-oriented economies and the decarbonization of society• Population growth in emerging markets and the aging of society in developed markets• The global economic power shift from developed markets to emerging markets• The progress of rapid urbanization and increase in urban/rural disparities• The progress of technological innovations (IoT/AI)• More traffic accidents and traffic congestion (particularly in emerging markets)• Responses to first/last-mile mobility needs• The diversification of people’s values and consumer behaviors• The transition from vehicle ownership to sharing and from material goods to experiencesInvest in new and growing businesses initiatives and co-creationTransforming Mobility Promote innovations in mobility Yamaha Motor’s System of Strategic Policies
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