Integrated Report 2021(For the year ended December 31, 2020)

Principal ShareholdersShareholderOwnership (%)The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account)11.82Yamaha Corporation9.91Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account)5.90Toyota Motor Corporation3.58SSBTC CLIENT OMNIBUS ACCOUNT3.58SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.2.78Mizuho Bank, Ltd.2.37The Shizuoka Bank, Ltd.1.62Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account 9)1.59Mitsui & Co., Ltd.1.56Note: Percentage of ownership is calculated excluding treasury shares.Capital StockAuthorized900,000,000 shares (common stock)Issued350,122,835 sharesNumber of shareholders 82,730Shareholder NotesFiscal yearJanuary 1 to December 31Reference date for allocation of surplus for dividendsYear-end dividends: December 31Interim dividends: June 30General Meeting of ShareholdersMarchShare unit number100 sharesMethod of public noticePublic notices are given by electronic notice. In unforeseen circumstances where electronic notices are impossible, public notice is made in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.For further information, please contact:Japanese individuals and others11.3%Japanese financial institutions37.8%Other Japanese corporations17.9%Foreign investors27.9%Securities companies5.1%2500 Shingai, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-8501, JapanTelephone: +81-538-37-0134Fax: +81-538-37-4250 Motor Co., Ltd.IR/SR Group, Corporate Communication DivisionYamaha Motor’s Share Price and Trading Volume on the Tokyo Stock Exchange(¥)(Million shares)2016201720182019202004,0003,0002,0001,0000(FY)400300200100 Share price  Trading volume91Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021Shareholder Composition

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