Integrated Report 2021(For the year ended December 31, 2020)

Strengths• Technological and production capabilities delivering high-quality, low-cost, and timely supply• A mixture of technologies via business integration with YRH and provision of complete solutions for clients• Co-creative capacities founded on strong relationships with business partnersOpportunities• Growing need for automation due to labor shortages in Japan and rising labor costs in emerging markets• Progression of more advanced automation in line with the development of new fields such as IoT and “connected, autonomous, shared, and electric” (CASE) vehiclesRisks• Deterioration of demand due to changes in world affairs• Intensifying competition resulting from new players entering the marketWe aim to expand business synergies while offering customers optimal solutions.Up until fiscal 2021, the Robotics business has acted in accor-dance with our medium-term priority initiative of expanding business scale and areas as well as bolstering profitability. Based on this, we have proceeded to reinforce our lineup of products and services for accelerating factory automation while contribut-ing to laborsavings in new and other fields outside of factories. The chief mission of the Robotics business is to free up time for clients by providing laborsaving solutions through our robot tech-nologies and to thereby help create environments where people can continue working as people. This objective coincides with the aims of the Long-Term Vision.In light of the recent rise in automation needs, we are working to transition to in-house options for our core technologies while implementing our platform strategies to provide our signature One-Stop Smart Solution. Moving our core technologies in-house will enable swifter responses to client needs while achieving highly functional machine-to-machine communications between Yamaha Motor equipment—especially in the SMT equipment field—and will make it possible to bring higher added value to automation and autonomization.We faced difficulties developing our overseas operations in the agriculture field during fiscal 2020 due to the COVID-19 pan-demic, but steady progress was made in Japan. Looking ahead, we plan to aggressively launch drones and other new products that leverage the knowledge and experience we have accrued to date in Japan in order to contribute to greater laborsavings and improved productivity in agriculture. We will also continue to expand our overseas operations while accounting for COVID-19 developments.RoboticsMarkets and conditions at Yamaha MotorMain competitorsSurface mount technology (SMT)Demand continues to grow for printed circuit boards, including those for IoT, 5G, and CASE applications. We are pursuing both product and service common-alities under our platform strategy to expand our business scale and reinforce our profitability.Fuji Machine, Panasonic, ASM Pacific Technology, JUKI, Hanwha TechwinIndustrial robots (factory automation) Automation needs are rising rapidly amid soaring personnel expenses and labor shortages. We are strengthening model variations while pursuing both product and service commonalities to expand our business scale and reinforce our profitability.Epson, Mitsubishi, Denso, IAIUnmanned helicopters and dronesWe are launching multirotor drones in addition to our proven unmanned helicopters and will also establish a track record for precision agriculture.DJISemiconductor post-processing equipmentSemiconductors are becoming increasingly scarce. We are working to further build our customer base by building a seamless collaborative system that offers one-stop proposals that cover the entire semiconductor manufacturing process. ASM, Besi, K&S, TowaOverview of Primary Products and Main CompetitorsHiroyuki OtaSenior Executive Officer, Chief General Manager of Solution Business Operations76Business StrategyYamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021

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