Risk ManagementThe Yamaha Motor Group is working on risk management, crisis management, and business continuity as follows. Risk Management Structure Based on the Rules of Risk Management, the risk management structure works toward the thorough reduction of risks on a Groupwide basis and is led by the Sustainability Committee and its subordinate council, the Sustainability Promotion Meeting, which comprises the risk management supervising section and divisions in charge of risk management. The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the president and chief executive officer, monitors risks on a Groupwide basis while also designating significant risks at the Group level to be tackled as priorities and checking on activities to address risks. Risk Management Activity Cycle Risk management activities are promoted through the repetition of the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle as detailed on the right. The Yamaha Motor Group has prepared a risk management ledger of all risks that need to be covered, and it works to reduce risks by appropriately manag-ing and operating the risk management ledger. Significant Risks at the Group Level Each year, risks that need to be prevented and addressed as special priorities are determined to be significant risks at the Group level. In addition to the results of risk assessments at the Group level, significant risks at said level can be comprehensively judged and designated based on the Group’s business strategy, legal and regulatory changes inside or outside the Group, or other developments including information con-cerning the likelihood of a risk event occurring or changes to the operat-ing environment.BackgroundMeasuresDamage caused by natural disastersMany manufacturing plants in Japan are concentrated near the epicenter of the predicted Nankai Trough megaquake, and measures must be taken to prepare for typhoons, localized torrential rains, and other natural disasters that far exceed previous assumptions. Damage caused by natural disasters has, therefore, been designated a significant risk.The Group is promoting measures to prevent damage from a Nankai Trough megaquake or flooding due to heavy rains and measures to raise awareness about the need for disaster preparedness.Major accidents involving Yamaha productsMajor accidents involving Yamaha products are one of the causes of market penalties such as large-scale recalls. The Group must make continuous efforts to ensure zero incidences of such accidents.The Group is promoting information-gathering activities related to product accidents and making efforts to raise quality awareness among all employees.CybersecurityThe degree of reliance on and the importance of information systems within the Group’s business activities are increasing. Measures are needed to prevent leaks of personal or confidential information, information system failures, etc., caused by cyberattacks and computer virus infections.The Group has established a Cybersecurity Policy and is taking measures covering both the tangible and intangible aspects of cybersecurity to increase its defenses against external attacks, to detect attacks at an early stage, and to minimize damage in the event of an attack.Violation of laws and regulations concerning product qualityCompliance with regard to product quality is a fundamental and important issue for manufacturers. Further strengthening the structures put in place by the Group to prevent the violation of laws and regulations is necessary.The Group collects information regarding the establishment of and changes to laws and regulations concerning product quality. In addition, the Group is creating systems that reflect this information appropriately in internal regulations and standards while advancing improvement activities and other efforts.Products containing environmentally hazardous substancesCountries around the world have been steadily tightening regulations on environmentally hazardous substances, and the Group must strengthen control structures to prevent violations of laws and regulations by the products it manufactures.The Group takes steps for early prevention of violations of laws, regulations, and ordinances by maintaining an accurate understanding of legal information in relevant countries, by communicating accurate information internally and externally to relevant departments, by conducting rank-based training, by promoting the proper management systems as well as standardizing the steps for handling increasingly complex laws and regulations, and by efficiently utilizing IT systems.Improper import/export proceduresIn light of the growing number of bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements and the increasing need for import/export procedures for global logistics among Group compa-nies, the Group must further enhance its system for preventing violations of laws, regulations, and ordinances.Groupwide structures are being developed to prevent violations of laws, regulations, and ordinances by tracking information pertaining to the enactment and revision of free trade agreements, by standardizing work processes and properly educating relevant personnel in line with the management frameworks stipulated in the Group rules, and by monitoring the implementation status of these measures on a daily and regular basis.PandemicsThe Group has experienced a pandemic with COVID-19, and in order to ensure business continuity while safeguarding the health of employees, there is a need to reexamine the effectiveness of internal rules by reviewing the activities carried out thus far.The Group will alter its countermeasures in response to risks of the pandemic’s spread, review the definitions of various items, revise level-based pandemic countermeasures, and otherwise improve the effectiveness of its internal rules to ensure a uniform level of countermeasures for both domestic and overseas Group companies.Violation of copyright laws regarding software licensesComputer software is protected as copyrighted work and requires proper management. However, due to the diversification of workstyles and changes in the operating environ-ment, such as cloud computing, licensing systems are becoming more complicated and the risk of violating laws and regulations, even without intention, is increasing.For the early prevention of software license violations, the Group is working to minimize risks by educating employees in order to raise their levels of awareness and strengthening IT asset manage-ment systems and their operating practices.BriberyAnti-corruption initiatives are being ramped up in every country and region, and as the Group conducts business activities on a global scale, there is a need to implement an effective system for early prevention of regulatory violations and to strengthen anti-bribery measures.Based on the Yamaha Motor Group Anti-Bribery Policy, the Group is adhering to its anti-bribery commitment and implementing related management systems on a global basis. It also conducts training, monitoring, and risk assessments to address anti-bribery more effectively and systematically.PlanDoActCheck• Analysis of information from inside and outside the Company• Designation of significant risks at the Group level• Assessment of risk management ledger• Formulation of activity policies and plans• Implementation of activities to address risks• Monitoring of activities• Review of risk management ledger• Incorporation of changes into activity plan for the next fiscal year• Review of activity resultsHeadquarters’ divisions and Group companiesPresident and chief executive officerSustainability CommitteeMaking of recommendationsSeeking of advice• Thorough implementation of policies• Management based on rules• Monitoring of activities• Reporting of important matters• Reporting of urgent matters• Consultation on individual issuesSustainability Promotion Meeting (a subordinate council of the Sustainability Committee)68Corporate Governance Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021
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