IP for Business Under the banner of “IP for Business,” Yamaha Motor carries out its intellectual property tasks based on its Four Policy Pillars of Intellectual Property Activities.The Company primarily views new technologies for electrification, automated driving, and the like as well as new markets such as agri-culture and medicine as advanced fields for growth that will play key roles in securing pioneer status and market expansion. We are cur-rently moving forward with efforts to create new value together with our business departments by capitalizing on today’s intellectual prop-erty landscape. Efforts to create, protect, and utilize the intellectual property rights that will support the sustainable growth of Yamaha Motor are being carried out through patent position analyses in our major markets and regions of operation. Meanwhile, in new techno-logical fields such as connected, autonomous, shared, and electric (CASE) vehicles and systems, we propose focus areas and co-creation opportunities after performing SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, oppor-tunities, and threats), STP (segmenting, targeting, and positioning), and other analyses to transform the advanced intellectual properties powering Yamaha Motor’s value creation into corporate assets.Intellectual PropertiesYamaha Motor promotes its global intellectual property strategies toward creating, protecting, and utilizing its intellectual property rights to raise both corporate and brand value.Intellectual Property Activities Contributing to the SDGs Committed to contributing to society through its businesses, Yamaha Motor has designated “Transportation, education, and industry” and “Innovation” as two of its four important societal issues (materiality issues). The intellectual property department works to address these societal issues by taking part right from the business model development phase and creating the intellectual properties that will be at the heart of these business models in order to further our work toward achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Patent for technology that increases convenience of low-speed auto-mated driving systems Digital Transformation for Promoting Riding SafetyPatents for digital technologies transforming how we can communicate with riders (riding posture vs. course traveled (left) and course traveled vs. acceleration (right); patented only in Japan)Four Policy Pillars of Intellectual Property Activities(1) Move one step ahead of conventional intellectual property activities that consist primarily of intellectual property creation linked to product and technology development in existing businesses(2) Pursue intellectual property activities that preempt technological developments and the expansion of business areas by looking beyond our existing technologies and markets(3) Indicate advanced fields that target further preemption and business area expansion through analysis of the intellectual property landscape(4) Contribute to management decisions and strategy formulation from the perspectives of intellectual property analysis and market and technological growth analysis Helm Master™ Next-Generation Boat Control System Bringing Automation to BoatingPatent for bow heading control system (left)Patent for joystick control system (center) Verification Testing of Mobility Support for Persons with Limited MobilityProof-of-concept vehicle testing for a low-speed automated driving system High-Versatility Agricultural UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle)Patent for control system architecture enhancing versatility (left)Patent application submitted for vehicle system architecture (right)40Foundations for Creating CompetitivenessYamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021
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