Integrated Report 2021(For the year ended December 31, 2020)

Initiative Progress ConnectedWe have begun launching mobility products with connectivity features and their requisite mobile apps in stages in our major markets. In addition, we will utilize the data generated by these connectivity features to make proposals that further enrich the mobility lifestyles of our customers. Digital MarketingEfforts are underway to develop physi-cal and digital touchpoints with cus-tomers, such as the launch of an e-commerce website in India, in order to provide new customer experiences. We also commenced operation of our Yamaha ID platform. Smart OperationsProgress was made in the automation of factory status monitoring, transport, work processes, and inspections as well as in the automation, expedition, and enhancement of data collection and use. We also promoted the use of digital technologies in demand chain management practices for delivering products to customers in a timely manner. Data AnalysisOur dedicated data analysis teams are formulating solutions and improve-ments for various issues. We also held online data analysis training courses and the like to foster in-house data analysis staff in order to facilitate on-site data analyses. Data PlatformsThe DAP-MKTG, DAP-IoT, and DAP-FA platforms were put into operation.Y-DX2: Strengthen the Present Y-DX2 initiatives are aimed at creating and utilizing customer touchpoints for direct and ongoing interactions—including after a sale—for the purpose of offering customers value personalized in terms of both physical and digital aspects.We are also developing three data platforms (Yamaha Motor Digital Analytics Platform) to deliver new Kando to customers through digital development and initiatives in our four core digital domains of Connected, Digital Marketing, Smart Operations, and Data Analysis.Y-DX3: Create the Future Yamaha Motor seeks to create the future by connecting with its 200 million customers. We will form ties with new customers through channels and collaborations beyond conventional approaches. By gaining new perceptions and synergies, we will create new value and a new future.Data AnalysisInitiative Progress Yamaha Motor has begun using the Makuake crowdfunding platform to connect and co-create with new customers. Through this platform, we will broadly share our awareness of issues and our desire to contribute to society through motorcycles in general with all customers—not just Yamaha users—and engage in co-creation seeking possibili-ties for new and unprecedented businesses. Going forward, Yamaha Motor will expand the scope of its efforts to create the future through various new ideas, including those from the perspective of sustainability.AwarenessInterest Search VisitShareExperiencePurchaseRe-purchaseUsing Data to Offer Greater Value to CustomersDAP-FADAP-IoTDAP-MKTGConnectivity-related data platforms Y-Connect-compatible Connected NMAX scooter (Indonesia)E-commerce website (India)Unit No.Customer IDMarketing-related data platforms Manufacturing- related data platforms * DAP: Yamaha Motor’s digital data platforms. Each data platform is linked via a unit number and customer ID.The FIST-AID: Disaster-Ready Riders project was the Company’s first time using the Makuake crowdfunding platform.Smart OperationsConnectedDigital MarketingManufacturingProcurementLogisticsOrderingServiceSalesSmart Operation33Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021Yamaha Motor customersY-DX2: Strengthen the PresentY-DX3: Create the FutureCustomers who do not know Yamaha MotorCustomers who know Yamaha MotorCollaborations with different fieldsCo-creation programsConstruction of a continuous cycle of innovation

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