Integrated Report 2021(For the year ended December 31, 2020)

Y-DX1: Reform Management Platforms We are revamping our management platforms to achieve the following three objectives:(1) Accelerate decision-making via thorough efforts to make information visible and uniform;(2) Enhance the efficiency of back-office operations and shift resources to growth areas; and(3) Use new information to better visualize our customers and achieve predictive management.At the same time, by standardizing core business processes and systems, we will promote the use of shared services and aim to enhance the productivity and quality of corporate operations.The Company is advancing its digital transformation strategy under the “Yamaha Motor to the Next Stage” banner raised toward achieving its Long-Term Vision. At the same time, the strategy aims to connect us with our customers in order to create more fans of Yamaha Motor and raise our brand value.Yamaha Motor to the Next Stage Yamaha Motor is utilizing digital technologies and data together with its strengths and assets to grow its businesses in both the physical and digital realm. Our three digital transformation initiatives—Y-DX1, Y-DX2, and Y-DX3—are being driven in a concurrent and linked manner to reinforce management platforms, increase the number of customers who become fans of Yamaha Motor, and heighten brand value.Unified Accounting System / Predictive ManagementLinked Platforms / Global MasterShared servicesManagement simulationGlobal production, sales, and inventory (PSI)Consolidated model profitabilityAccounting and corporate operationsStandardization of business processes and code systemsDifferentiation processesStandardized processes (ERP)Global layerConsolidated Global DatabaseBase / distributor layerShared servicesManagement DashboardConsolidated accountingInitiative Progress Consolidated Global DatabaseYamaha Motor is creating a centrally managed global database compiling management data from 25 domestic Group companies and 110 overseas subsidiaries and is also preparing a management dashboard. These tools will allow for drilldown analysis of management indicators and sales data by product and region and thereby enable swift, predictive management decisions based on sales projections for major products. Global Enterprise Resource Planning SystemAs the first phase of launching a global enterprise resource planning system, the Company is preparing to introduce an SAP accounting module for the Iwata headquarters. At the same time, we have begun consulting with subsidiaries in Europe and the United States regarding the construction of the work systems that will serve as global templates for each region as well as for the accounting, sales, logistics, production, and procurement processes that will be central to standardization at Group companies.Digital TransformationProcurementProductionDistributionSalesServices32Toward Sustainable GrowthYamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021Action Themes2019–20212022–20242025–2027Y-DX3Create the FutureSearch and trialBuilding and implementationExpansionY-DX2Strengthen the PresentFour core domains and DAPApplication in four core domains and global rolloutAdvance and updateY-DX1Reform Management PlatformsGlobal consolidated database and Japanese accounting ERPPrincipal base / distributor ERPERP at all bases / distributorsMedium- to Long-Term Plans

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