Integrated Report 2021(For the year ended December 31, 2020)

Climate Change Initiatives (Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations) Yamaha Motor’s Initiatives 2 Medium- to Long-Term Target: Achieve Carbon Neutrality from Business ActivitiesLooking at total CO2 emissions from Yamaha Motor’s operations as well as the life cycles of its products, we see that Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions—those emitted as a direct result of the Company’s business activities—only account for 1.8% of total emissions, whereas Scope 3 emissions—those from the Company’s value chain—constitute 98.2% of emissions. The largest component of our Scope 3 emissions is Category 11 (Use of sold products), which represents 82.7% of total emissions. Of Category 11 emis-sions, motorcycles comprise 65% of total emissions while out-board motors account for 19%.At the same time, 85% of Yamaha Motor’s motorcycle sales are in Asia, and by supplying this market with compact, convenient, and affordable mobility options, we aim to contribute to sustain-able growth in accordance with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by addressing the demand for the transporta-tion of goods and services, helping expand the spheres of daily life, and bringing more options and opportunities for employment and education. Moreover, we look to develop and popularize more fuel-efficient products to help combat climate change.With the goal of achieving carbon neutrality on a global scale, Yamaha Motor aspires to offer products (next-generation mobility powered by electricity or renewable energy) presenting the most effective means for cutting CO2 emissions based on the govern-ment energy policies and energy mixes of each country. Breakdown of CO2 Emissions for the Entire Life CycleCategory 11Breakdown by ProductFuels used Scope 1 0.5%Electricity used Scope 2 1.3%Scope 3 98.2%Category 11 Use of sold products 82.7%2020 life cycle CO2 emissions23.7 million t-CO2Motorcycles 65%Raw materials 13.1%Outboard motors 19%Note: Calculations have been made using the Emissions Unit Value Database (Ver. 3.1) based on the Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain (Ver. 2.3, issued Dec. 2017) issued by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment.Generators / Snow blowers / Multipurpose engines 7%Other 2.4%Others 9%Scope 1 and Scope 2 TargetsCO2 emissions per unitEmploy internationally recognized carbon offset methods2010 20202030 2050 2035 2010 20202030 2050 2035 Scope 3 TargetsCO2 emissions per unitBase yearBase yearEmploy internationally recognized carbon offset methodsExternal EnvironmentSpecific MeasuresGreater efforts for nationally determined contributions among countries / territoriesIncreased focus on ESG factors in investingTransition to cleaner energy mixesInstitution of carbon taxes and stricter environmental regulationsApplication of theoretical-value-based energy approach (energy-saving activities)Utilization of renewable energy sources (solar power, etc.)Equipment upgrades and production process reformsUse of electricity and non-fossil-fuel sources to meet equipment heat demandCarbon offsetsExternal EnvironmentSpecific MeasuresTightening of regulations for ICE fuel efficiencyExpanded regulations for vehicle electrificationTransition to cleaner energy mixesWider use of carbon-neutral fuels (biofuel, hydrogen, synthetic liquid fuel, etc.)Improvement of ICE fuel efficiencyExpansion of BEV product lineupPromotion of BEV modelsDevelopment of carbon-neutral fuel-compatible powertrainsCarbon offsets–41%–50%–54%–86%–16%16%–24%–38%–90%Note: Reduction targets for the combined emissions of our major product categories (motorcycles, outboard motors, industrial robots, etc.)28Toward Sustainable GrowthYamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021

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