Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2020

A special edition of our company newsletter compiling every Power of the Factory Floor article to date received the Gold Award in the Special Category of the 2019 Company Newsletter Awards, a national competi-tion for company newsletters held by wis works, Inc. The award was granted in recognition of the approach to the project, its themes as well as the high quality of the writing and page design.We also use this edition in recruitment, and it has received praise from job-hunting students, commenting that it sparked their interest in the Company, that they instinctively picked it up and read it, and that it gave them a picture of working at Yamaha Motor.Received the Gold Award in the Special Category of the 2019 Company Newsletter AwardsExternal Evaluation​Power of the Factory Floor series bringing real imagery and contentfrom manufacturing workplacesEnhancing Our Internal Communication ToolsAs employees in manufacturing typically do not use the internet as part of their main duties, they do not usually see information posted on the company intranet. Furthermore, space is limited with the printed company newsletter and the amount of informa-tion we can communicate must be narrowed down.To address this, we installed digital signage in the factories and employee dining areas to transmit information on Group compa-nies around the world and new products, videos related to man-agement policies, and other content. This created an environment that allows manufacturing floor employees to naturally come across company information in the course of their daily work. This measure received a strong reception from over 90% of factory floor employees, and in response to requests from other work-places, we are currently moving forward with digital signage installations Companywide.We are also working to bolster internal communication for employees overseas. Headed by topics contributed by correspondents at our major bases abroad, we regularly update the president’s blog and upload a variety of videos to an intranet site in English. In 2019, we held a global meeting gathering together these correspondents and exchanged information on the state of internal communication in their respective countries and shared model examples.Online version of Revs, Revs+Revs+TV video portalMessage from ManagementFor this project, we wanted to raise the motivation of employees working on the frontlines of manufacturing. So we decided to focus on the feelings and pride these employees hold toward their respective jobs as well as depict-ing them in their daily endeavors, thereby expressing what makes us unique as a company. This approach was not only well received by the employees themselves but also resonated with their families, people seeking employment, and others. The high marks this special edition received in an objective review is very encouraging, and I would like to continue to play a role in connecting employees, departments, and others with little cross-division interaction due to their work through communication.Yuko KurabeInternal Communication Group Manager,Corporate Communication Division, Corporate Planning & Finance Center49Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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