Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2020

Promoting Diversity As an aspect of its diversity efforts, from 2016 the Company began appointing individuals employed at overseas subsidiaries to general manager or higher posts at the headquarters as well. Currently, we are working to promote the placement of the right people in the right jobs at the right time by going beyond the “headquarters and overseas base” relationship and have begun expanding the scope of international transfers among Group companies to include non-executive employees. We have also set targets of doubling the number of women hired for managerial positions in 2014 by 2020 and tripling it by 2025. In 2019, we achieved our target for 2020 ahead of time.Supporting Work-Life BalanceThe Company supports the creation of workplaces that promote a healthy work-life balance for its employees. We are enhancing our systems so that employees can work in ways that suit their indi-vidual circumstances, such as providing childcare leave, nursing care leave, and family illness leave, as well as systems for flexible or shortened working hours, and the rehiring of employees who resigned to accompany their spouse on overseas postings.Employee HealthIn February 2020, the Company was recognized for the third consecutive year under the Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program conducted jointly by METI and Nippon Kenko Kaigi. We consider employee health to be a key management issue for the Company’s development, and are working with all employees to maintain and promote their health.New Work Styles Arising from the COVID-19 Pandemic In the first half of fiscal 2020, we actively implemented new work styles due to the COVID-19 pandemic, namely remote working for office-based employees. Although remote working has benefits that include the changing of commuting time and spare time into time of greater value, improved productivity, and the promotion of good work-life balance, we have learned that it also creates a dilution of communication and other issues. Going forward, we plan to establish new work styles premised on co-existing with COVID-19 as permanent systems that will lead to improved corpo-rate value while taking into account the safety, health, and work-life balance of our employees to the fullest extent.By stepping up hiring of non-Japanese personnel, we are prompting internal changes and promoting further growth for the Company.We consider the hiring of non-Japanese personnel to be one aspect of our diversity and inclusion efforts, which include the promotion of active participation by women and the employment of people with disabilities. The Company is highly global, deriving 90% of its net sales outside Japan. Taking this characteristic into account, we recognize that embracing a broad and diverse range of values is essen-tial to our sustainable growth.Without a doubt, non-Japanese personnel stimulate their Japanese colleagues. The Company is adopting a more global feel, allowing us to gradually promote “inner globalization,“ and this is beginning to influence the Company’s systems. For example, being “global” is being taken into account for promotions. I will continue doing my utmost to help build a truly global company by working alongside our non-Japanese employees, which represent excellent talent from around the world.Tamami KawaiGeneral Manager of Human Resources Division, Human Resources & General Affairs CenterMessage from Management47Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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