Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2020

Digital Marketing Initiative in Brazil Shared at Our Global Marketing Meeting Since 2015, we have held the Global Marketing in Sales Meeting (GMSM) as a forum for sharing the marketing knowledge we have accumulated at a global level. In addition to existing marketing methods, the meeting serves as a venue for reporting case studies of initiatives that take advantage of new technologies and viewpoints.One success story was the Digital Marketing and Leads Management case from our sales base in Brazil. They established a single, unified system for managing the entire flow of acquiring information about customers that had shown an interest to purchase online (leads), encouraging those customers to visit their local dealership, and ensuring a successful sales meeting. The sales base visually tracked customer actions and quantified dealer response time and close ratio. As the result of thorough improve-ments based on customer data, this approach netted the subsidiary a steady rise in its market share despite the challenging business environment. Several sales bases took the lessons of this case home and are implementing them in their own marketing activities.Engaging in 5S Value Package activities in Mexico as One TeamIn addition to our traditional Marketing in Sales activities premised on Sales, Services, and Spare parts (3S), we have included financial services and safety as two new forms of value (5S), in order to acquire new fans as well as existing customers, as we seek to realize our company mission of creating loyal customers. Based on these five types of value, we are formulating events and activities for customers integrally with our sales channels.Among these events and activities, we are implementing the safety education and training of the Yamaha Riding Academy (YRA) with the goal of keeping cus-tomers riding their motorcycles safely and with peace of mind. We are proactively operating riding courses tailored to our customers, such as implementing safety training in conjunction with test-riding sessions for acquiring new customers.Today, there are many traffic accidents in Mexico and nowhere to properly learn traffic rules. At YMMEX, we will continue to endeavor to improve customer safety by providing YRA training to a greater number of customers while focusing our efforts on training the instructors in our sales channels.Message from ManagementYuki DoiPresident, Yamaha Motor de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (YMMEX)45Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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