Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2020

Striking a Balance between Theoretical-Value-Based Production and Yamaha Motor Craftsmanship: The Yamaha Touch The Company implements its unique theoretical-value-based production approach at its Group companies and business part-ners. Conducting improvement activities after first drawing up an ideal vision leads to ideas different from a conventional, incremen-tal approach and this has generated higher production output. In addition, we seek to contribute to management goals by linking these activities with the Company’s profit and loss statement and balance sheet. Theoretical-value-based production is a Yamaha improvement method through which fully productive time—a common metric for productivity—is further categorized into work with value, quasi-value, and no value, and any elements of no value are thoroughly analyzed and minimized. Moreover, it focuses on not only the productivity of people and facilities but also the lead times for items. By moving forward with synchronized production processes based on a comprehensive optimization approach, we seek to realize shorter lead times and thus improve our adaptabil-ity to the market. This work first began in Japan in 2004 and was subsequently rolled out to Group companies and business part-ners across the world, continuously achieving noteworthy results.However, the key to maintaining the Company’s competitive edge is the delicate balance we strike between our efforts to create value and what seems to be the stark opposite of that—the illogical yet invaluable extra steps we take in the process. This is what we call the Yamaha Touch of Yamaha Motor Craftsmanship, and we will bolster our production branding efforts going forward. Examples of the extra steps we make to enhance the appeal and draw of our products are aiming for bullseye precision rather than simply within acceptable parameters, or the careful eye and hands that buff a rough surface to its final finish since the machine cannot. The Yamaha Touch has evolved and been passed on as part of our workplace culture. Yamaha motorcycles receive particularly high acclaim from customers for their handling, design, color schemes, and other features, but it is only through the Yamaha Touch that they can be brought to life as products. In addition to producing exactly what the blueprints sent by the designers and engineers contain, it is in the DNA of the factory frontlines to pro-duce work that surpasses specifications, and cross-departmental exchanges of opinions and feedback are part of our ever-present efforts to improve. The Yamaha Touch has been cultivated and refined through Yamaha’s keen sense for quality and detail, our factory and workplace traditions, and the professionalism of each individual, and it creates immense added value in the varied and vital processes of creating lighter chassis, more efficient engines, and more beautiful designs for Yamaha motorcycles.Planned production timeSchedule lossFully productive timeValue workIdeal cycle timeIdentify the essential functions, eliminate items and objects (losses) other than these essential functions, and continue to aim for new heightsQuasi-value workSpeed lossTheoretical-Value-Based Production ChartFactory theoretical valueEssential functionsTechnological theoretical valueWe create high-quality products interweaving our technologies and sensibilities through a combination of our craftsmanship that brings added value to our products and our production processes that eliminate waste. Moreover, we will further strengthen our production schemes through the application of production and manufacturing technologies.The fuel tank of the YZF-R1M flagship model is buffed to its final finish by a master craftsman.Our long-selling SR400 model is assembled through “cell manufactur-ing” in which the entire motorcycle is put together by a two-person team.No value workManufacturing and Production (Monozukuri)Foundations for Creating Competitiveness42Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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