Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2020

Y-DX2: Strengthen the Present We will offer new Kando to customers through initiatives in four core digital domains.Y-DX3: Create the Future We will create the future by connecting with our 200 million customers. Digital MarketingAcross the customer journey spanning Awareness to Purchase and Sharing, we will provide experiences that exceed expectations with a fully cohesive approach in the digital and real worlds. We will also respond quickly to online needs once the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided. The Company will move forward with this initiative based on the key phrase of “Personalizing Kando at Scale.” ConnectedThe Yamaha Motor Connected Vision 2030 states that “By 2030, we aim to connect all Yamaha Motor products to learn more about our customers, form connections with them, and continue creating new value.” We have already begun by connecting motorcycles as well as marine engines, taking a major step toward offering new value. Data AnalysisAs a center of excellence for data analysis, teams of professional data scientists are applying various data analysis methods as well as AI and machine learning to resolve various problems, make improvements, and create predictive models. At the same time, we are training our own data scientists in order to democratize data analysis internally.We will form ties with new customers through channels beyond conventional organic growth and via collaborations. By gaining new perceptions and synergies, we will create new value and a new future. Furthermore, we will create a continuous cycle of innovation internally and take up challenges with uniquely Yamaha ideas.Yamaha Motor customersY-DX2. Strengthen the PresentY-DX3. Create the FutureCustomers who do not know Yamaha MotorCustomers who know Yamaha MotorDAPYAMAHA MOTORDigital Analytics Platform Smart OperationsWe will address market-centric opera-tional issues across the value chain—spanning sales, distribution, manufacturing, procurement, and more—by applying the Theory of Constraints (TOC) methodology, con-ducting data analysis, and using various other digital technologies. Teams mainly comprised of younger employees will take the lead in tackling various issues.Collaborations with different fieldsCo-creation programsConstruction of a continuous cycle of innovationAwarenessInterest / Search / VisitSharingExperiencePurchase / Re-purchase39Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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