Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2020

Creative DesignYamaha Motor believes that design contributes to both management and branding. With branding, we communicate the meaning behind creations and endeavors unique to Yamaha, and here we describe the role of design along with some of our design-related initiatives and achievements.Designing “Meaning” Traditionally, the primary role of design was to communicate to people the trends and demands of the market and technological advancements through the lens of colors and forms. Today, the meaning of design has broadened and its role is no longer limited to simply promoting values.With this being the case, we are advancing initiatives related to designing “meaning” in particular. Based on uniquely Yamaha contexts, such as the Company’s history, perspectives, and future prospects that are ours alone, we engage in design while asking ourselves what is meaningful value for people’s happiness and what are meaningful solutions for society going forward.Specifically, we carry out our consultations in a workshop format that we advance alongside the various business depart-ments. Deciphering the meaning required for a new era, we comprehensively design everything, from business strategies and end products to our touchpoints with customers and society. We believe that doing so will allow more people to identify with the value and solutions we offer.A Yamaha Mentality—Value-Driven Thinking We have developed our own mentality for deriving uniquely Yamaha meaning, which begins by stimulating human creativity. Even if confronted by situations in which an answer seems unimaginable, this instead spurs our motivation to resolve the situation rather than shy away in fear.Today, we have begun using this mentality with a variety of business departments. Eventually, we hope that it will enrich the creativity of everyone involved with Yamaha and lead to a pleth-ora of new ideas and solutions that will bring happiness to future generations.Establishment of Innovation Tokyo We established Innovation Tokyo in the Tokyo metropolitan area to serve as a hub for innovation, a place to create new meaning through collaboration with outside companies, academic institu-tions, and creators who share our attitude. Looking ahead, through its functions as a hub for new value creation, we hope to deliver the next era of Kando to more people and society as a whole together with the new partners we meet.Foundations for Creating Competitiveness34Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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