Yamaha Motor Integrated Report 2020

Brand Ranking*32nd9Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020Number of Group Companies Joining Unified Certification Program(No. of companies) Domestic  Overseas2015201620172018201946015304560201520142016201720182019We have been working toward global environmental ISO 14001 unified certification at Group companies in Japan and overseas since 2012. A total of 46 companies have joined the unified certification program, mainly manufacturing companies in Asia (including. Japan), Europe, the United States, and South America. Water Intake(Million m3)201520162017201820190369124.0701. will continue our efforts to measure our global use of water resources and reduce the amount of water intake through promoting the reuse of coolant water and water collection (rainwater and other sources) at factories. CO2 Emissions(1,000t-CO2)201520162017201820190369125270200400600800The Group has been working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its manufacturing activities with an eye on achieving its target for reducing CO2 emissions PLS. by 50% by 2050 (compared with 2010).Capital Expenditures(¥ billion)2015201620172018201903691258.1020406080Capital expenditures totaled ¥58.1 billion, targeting sustained growth and greater efficiencies in existing businesses. R&D Expenses(¥ billion)20152016201720182019036912102.00306090120R&D expenses were ¥102.0 billion, essentially on par with the previous fiscal year. The Yamaha brand, calculated by combining the brand value of both Yamaha Motor and Yamaha Corporation, was valued at US$1,369 million (compared with US$1,195 million in 2019 and US$998 million in 2018). * Brand value ranking of Japan-based brands carried out by Interbrand Japan (Best Japan Brands 2020)

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