
The role of Yamaha Motor’s Outside DirectorsKamigama: I have extensive experience in technology and manufac-turing with a Monozukuri company, including 10 years as president and 18 years of overseas postings, and I consider it my role to provide advice to management based on that experience. Monozukuri involves work that cannot be done if one is not interested or does not enjoy it. I feel that Yamaha Motor is a company with a high degree of awareness of Monozukuri, distilled by superior engineers who pursue perfor-mance and functionality. Tamatsuka: Manufacturing is often characterized as the output of products, but given my background in fields like apparel manufacturing and retailing, and convenience stores, which are close to consumers, I look for solutions that originate from a market perspective. I have also been involved with numerous startup companies, and I hope to be able to provide advice from a startup or venture perspective that will spur innovation at Yamaha Motor.Regarding the Long-Term Vision for 2030Kamigama: When the Long-Term Vision was first explained to us, the Outside Directors offered a variety of opinions. My advice was to include specifics by addressing up-front the shift to electric vehicles and vehicle sharing, and by incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) as a key term. Tamatsuka: Both Mr. Kamigama and I are managers, so we are not used to abstract discussion. We are more comfortable talking about how a market is changing, providing Kando to a certain customer segment, or how a business should be organized. Yamaha Motor has many strengths, including manufacturing expertise, quality control, and brand value. Because developments like electric vehicles and vehicle sharing are changes we have not seen before, we need to look closely at how market expectations change, focus investment in priority areas, and create products that markets will value, while transforming Yamaha Motor itself with a sense of urgency.Regarding the four social issues Yamaha Motor has decided to address: “Environment and resources,” “Transportation, education and industry,” “Innovation,” and “Work-life balance”Kamigama: Many companies are working to address social issues, but I believe there are still possibilities for Yamaha Motor. It is also necessary to tie social issues to business strategies. Our initial management strategy is to begin by using our management principles as a starting point to select social issues, develop products accord-ingly, and offer them to customers around the world, and paint a picture of what effects can be expected as a result.Tamatsuka: Companies that address social issues through their businesses are gaining recognition. In the case of Yamaha Motor, we not only provide Kando with “Revs your Heart,” but also are able to help address the social issues of aging society, worker shortages, and climate change through imagination and creativity. I also believe we are expected to make commitments to the resolution of social issues with commitments to do what by what time and what resources to invest, and then make those investments. We are now in an age when startup companies monopolize new markets, so it is important that we act with speed. Kamigama: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues need to be addressed top-down and globally, so that they are embraced by all employees. That is a very difficult thing to do.Tamatsuka: I consider it important to incorporate the perspective of social issues in Monozukuri. People around the world seek Yamaha 57Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2018

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