
MaterialityOverviewEnvironment and resources• Improved energy efficiency• Effective use of water resources and prevention of pollution• Introduction of clean technologies• Reduction of waste materials and prevention of damage from pollution• Strengthened measures to address climate change• Sustainable use of natural resources• Strengthened disaster prevention and response• Protection of land and marine ecosystemsTransportation, education and industry• Expansion of educational systems that include vocational training• Promotion of social infrastructure development• Prevention of traffic accidents• Protection of small-scale agricultural and fishing industriesInnovation• Promotion of innovation• Enhancement of scientific research and technological capabilities in all countries• Technical support to boost developing countriesWork-life balance• Promotion of safe and secure work environments• Advancement of diversity and inclusion• Promotion of economic growth based on fair work environments• Elimination of discrimination against women/protection of human rights/use of skills• Eradication of forced labor, human trafficking, and child labor• Increased employment for socially vulnerable peopleImportant social issuesSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 targets as SDGs to be achieved by 2030, in areas including addressing poverty and inequality, eradication of injustice, and responding to climate change. The SDGs call for the cooperation of companies, governments, and local communities around the world, with concrete action plans to achieve prosperity for humankind and the Earth. Companies are called upon to contribute to the resolution of social issues through all of their business activities.Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 201811

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