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WaveRunner Fun Event in Mexico

Report on WaveRunner Fun Event in Mexico

On February 7, 2007, the annual WaveRunner Event was held at the world-famous Mexican resort city of Acapulco.

This event is planned and organized by the Yamaha marine dealer “IMPLEMENTOS EL PESCADOR S.A. de C.V.” each year as a customer appreciation event for all Yamaha WaveRunner owners. Every year the event attracts many participants, and this time it was especially lively, with more than 300 people turning out to enjoy the event.
Participants got to see the unveiling of the new Yamaha WaveRunner models and all of them were very well received. There was plenty to enjoy for both the participants and the organizers, including exciting games that anyone could join and win attractive prizes, and as always, there was lots of delicious Mexican food prepared for everyone.

Comment from the organizers

We hold this event every year at this time to coincide with the introduction of the new WaveRunner models. To add to the fun and variety of this year’s event we planned eight different types of games that everyone could participate in. I think everyone from adults to children were able to enjoy themselves with the darts, basketball, soccer, fishing, ring-throw, bottle standing, arm wrestling and “electric human” games we prepared. An event like this goes beyond simply the relationship of dealer and customer and really expands the fun circle of friends that are the Yamaha family

Comment from a participant

Every year at this season our whole family looks forward to this event. Each time they prepare plenty of fun attractions for us, and they have drinks (juice, beer, etc.), food (tacos, ceviche, etc.) for us, and even prepare prizes for us to win. It’s almost overwhelming, and we always come away with great memories. I believe that almost everyone here feels the same way and we are all grateful to the Dealers and the other people involved.

A representative of the local Yamaha distributor IMEMSA said: I hope that everyone living in this area of Mexico will come and participate in this event next year and learn what wonder things the Yamaha WaveRunners are and experience the great hospitality of the Yamaha network.


Events like this are being held not just in Mexico but also by organizations and dealers of the Yamaha WaveRunner sales network all over the world. We hope you will feel free to visit your nearest Yamaha distributor or dealer. They are sure to be waiting for your participation.

Webmaster of Waverunner Fan-site

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